easy to follow juice diet

easy to follow juice diet

i'm gonna get hyped up....on my jugo hi everybody! i'm gonna juice today! and i'm gonna juice today with you to show you how easy, how simple this can be

easy to follow juice diet, swiss chard, cucumber, and apples with a splash of lime i'm getting my alkaline on! and i'm going to be using a centrifugal juicer cause it's fast, effective, get's the job done

and i love it and i really like the noise...aaahhh :) let's get started! rambling while peeling... you don't always have to peel your produce the reason why i am peeling my apples and my cucumbers is because...they were not purchased organic how's your day going today? you know my day. i have to say

i was so lethargic and tired! obviously you can't tell right? (chuckles) that's because i'm getting ready to juice and i'm very excited about it. i always get excited about my juicing because of what i am about to do for my body and about how excited my body is going to be to receive that juice so yeah, it's all good vibes, all good things it's an investment in my health cucumber are great for your skin

in addition to so many other things mother nature left everything that we need right here on this earth you ready?! juice - juice - juice it up! i'm going to start with my greens i like to start with the greens on an empty like an empty stomach. an empty stomach of a juicer it juices them a lot better

and just let it kind of go on it's own okay first one was the chard i must say i have a decent amount of juice from those leafy greens! you know, i love to juice i get excited about it! i'm about to drink up real live enzymes vitamins and minerals that were meant for my body

this is our birth rite, live, fresh fruits and vegetables it's going to give me a beauty and a glow, that only mother nature can provide no amount of concealer no amount of blush, bronzer--can give you what mother nature can give you alright, now, for my swiss chard i'm going to go ahead and pour it out now into my sieve

ooohhh look at that beautiful green juice! it's so green moving on! ooh - ahh! (fumbles and giggles) to the apples lime that's it now it's time to clean up. excuse me! so now i am going to pour the rest of this in my sieve here

and just strain out all of the oxidation and maybe some remaining pulp and now... let's pour oh, that's gorgeous! i'm gonna go ahead and start drinking it up you know what i'm going to pour it in my juice glass this is my juice bottle!

my son picked it out, cause it's got a green bird on it i'm going to go ahead and make myself a cocktail so i'm about to get my drink on baby! my juice on! this looks so beautiful! take a big whiff now i added some water, because for me personally, i like to water it down just a touch cause this juice...this is the real deal

and i like to add in an extra dose of water and hydration to help my body flush out all of the toxins juicing is about loving our body and nourishing our cells so, i don't want to be too hard on my body and just "pow!"...sometimes i like to do that to wake up but, most of the time i like to give it a little buffer with some agua cheers! mmmmmmmm that's life in a bottle

bye-byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! yea!

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