easy healthy food gifts

easy healthy food gifts

hey guys, it’s ro! today i’m going tobe making diy valentines day treats! i just wanted to share these yummy ideas withyou all that i am making this year. you can make them for your friends, your family,or that special someone. let’s get started! the 1st thing i’m making are these gummypretzel cupid arrows, i found the idea online,

easy healthy food gifts, they’re super easy, no-bake treats! to make these, you will need: some pretzelsticks, heart shaped gummies, i found these cherry ones at world market, a pair of bakingscissors and some toothpicks. the 1st thing that we’re gonna do is takea heart and poke a hole in the top

of the heart with your toothpick. then you’regonna take your pretzel stick, place it into the top of the heart of the hole wejust made. now take a second heart, use those bakingscissors and you’re gonna cut a triangle at the top of the heart, to make the littletail of the arrow. it’s really sticky, i’m gonna pull thatout and, i’m gonna eat it, have a little snack! nom-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom! now take your toothpick, make a hole at thebottom, then take your little tail and put it on the other end of the pretzel. it should look a little something like thiswhen it’s all done, and now

you’re just gonna make a bunch of them! pewm, pewm! the next thing that we’re gonna make isa bouquet of chocolate dipped pretzels, this is a fun alternative to flowers, youcan give them out at school or work to all of your buddies. the things you’re gonna need are: some meltingchocolates, a glass, a piece of wax paper, and a cookie sheet, some big pretzel sticks,heart shaped sprinkles, i found these at michaels by wilton, a roll of ribbon, a pieceof scrapbook paper, i’m using red, a pair of scissors, and some tape.

the 1st thing that you’re gonna do is takeyour piece of scrapbook paper, and cut it in half, dig-uh, dig-uh, dig-uh, dig-uh,dig-uh! and then you’re gonna roll it into a coneshape, and secure it at the end with a piece of tape. now i’m taking my scissors and i’m justtouching up the top so that it will look like a cute little smooth vase so that you canstick all these little pretzels in like this, da-dew! now i’m gonna take my piece of ribbon andmy scissors and cut it down the middle because i couldn’t find thin ribbon, soi’m just gonna make my own.

with the 1st piece i’m gonna make a littlebow, there we go, just like that. i’m taking the 2nd ribbon and i’m puttinga little bit of hot glue on the backside, and then i’m placing it around the frontto make it look pretty. and i’m just gonna wrap the excess aroundthe back, making a cross. i’m just gonna glue that down and cut offthe excess ribbon. now i’m gonna take the bow, put a littlebit of hot glue on the backside, and then stick it on the front of my little bouquet! hot glue is a little bit messy, it alwaysleaves these little, hot glue, i call it strings, but that’s ok, you canjust pull ‘em off!

and there you go, your bouquet is all doneand now it’s time to make some pretzels! 1st thing you’re gonna do is heat up yourchocolate melts, i’m using the microwave. and once they’re all melted you’re gonnapour the chocolate into a tall glass, and then take your big pretzel stick and dipit in the chocolate. i like to pour it on the side and twist itaround, that makes it a little bit easier to get the chocolate all up on thestick. ‘dere we do! ‘dere we do! then you’re gonna let the excess chocolatedrip off into the cup, and then once a lot of the excess chocolate has drippedoff, you’re just gonna place your

pretzel stick onto that wax paper. now take one of your little heart shaped sprinkles,and put a little bit of chocolate on the backside, i’m using a toothpick. and then you’re gonna stick it on top ofyour pretzel stick, so that when they stick out of the bouquet, they look so valentine-sy! look at that little heart, so cute! then you’re just gonna make a bunch of pretzelsand stick ‘em into your bouquet! the last thing that we’re gonna make arethese conversation heart cheesecakes! i found them online, they’re so adorable!

you’re gonna need all of these ingredients,there’s a bunch of them, so i’ll explain them as we go. the 1st thing that you’re gonna need is a heartshaped mold, i found this from wilton, and a roasting pan, i’ll put both links downbelow, so if you’d like to order them online you can. and you’re gonna fill the roasting pan withwater, enough so that it will go 1/2 way up the sides of the heart mold. then pick up the rack with the heart moldson top and set it aside. you’re gonna put the pan with the waterin it in the oven

while the oven heats up to 325 degrees. while the water is heating up in the ovenwe are gonna make some cheesecake crust. you’re gonna combine 1 cup of graham crackercrumbs, 1/2 a stick of melted butter, and 1 pinch of cinnamon, and stir them togetherin a bowl. now take a tablespoon of crumbs and placethem into each of the heart molds, you’re gonna press down on the crumbs tomake a compact crust. and once you’ve done that to your moldsyou’re gonna place this in the fridge while we’re gonna make some cheesecake filling.yum-yum-yum-yum-yum! to make the cheesecake batter, you’re gonnaneed 1 cup of sugar, 3 eggs, 2 cups

of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract,2 blocks of cream cheese and a mixer, you can use a hand mixer if you don’thave a stand mixer, that’s fine. mix 2 blocks of cream cheese together untilthey’re very smooth, then you’re gonna add 1 cup of sugar and beat for 1 minute.then you’re gonna add 3 eggs and beat for another minute, once those are mixed,you’re gonna add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. i found these cute heart shaped teaspoon measurersat a store called sur la table! i’ll put a link down below so you can check‘em out! lastly, add your sour cream and mix it alltogether 1 last time. divide the cheesecake batter into 6 bowls,we are gonna dye them the different colors

of the traditional conversation hearts. so cute! dee-dee-dee-dee-dee! the dyes that we’re gonna use are lemonyellow, electric pink, leaf green, electric orange, purple, and we’re gonnabe leaving 1 of the bowls blank, just white. add in a few drops of dye and mix it arounduntil you get the colors you like. once you’ve got all your colors ready, you’regonna pour your cheesecake batter into your heart molds, this recipe makes fora double batch, so, we’re just gonna start with 6 and bake another 6 later. when you’re filling the cheesecake intothe molds, you can fill it all the

way to the top because unlike a regular cake,cheesecake does not rise that much. i’m also just giving these cheesecakes alittle jiggle to release all those air bubbles. after your heart molds are filled, place theminto the pan with water, which is now filled with hot water, and bake themat 325 for 27 minutes. after they’re done baking, allow them tocool for 1 hour at room temperature, and then place them into the fridge for 3hours. this will allow them plenty of time to chill and harden, and then you’re gonnatake them out of the fridge and just pop them out of the molds. they pop out reallyeasy!

i’ve popped them out, they look so cute!and next we’re gonna do some decorating with food coloring dye and a paint brush. write whatever conversation notes you wanton top of the cheesecakes. just be careful because when these cheesecakes areat room temperature, the surface becomes a little bit soft. these are what mine ended up looking like,but you can write whatever you’d like! here are all the diy valentines day treatswe made today, they were so fun and easy to make, i hope you guys have a goodvalentines day, and i hope these treats give you some good ideas, because ilove them!

love them! sorry, i’m weird… ok, bye-bye! beep-beep-bee-bee-beep-beep-beep!

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