easy to follow elimination diet

easy to follow elimination diet

hey, guys, dr. axe here. welcome to my kitchen.today i'm going to be talking about how to go gluten-free. the reason i think it's soimportant to go gluten-free is gluten is really hard for most people to digest. one out of every133 people has celiac disease, which means, they don't digest or tolerate gluten at all.one out of every seven people is severely gluten intolerant, which means if you eatit you're going to notice an outward reaction.

easy to follow elimination diet, now also i'll say this, i can tell a differencemyself when i eat gluten. specifically when grains aren't sprouted, i just feel fatiguedand lack of energy. and those of some symptoms you may have if you are gluten intolerant.if you have weight gain or let me just say this, the benefits of going gluten free aretypically, you'll lose more weight, you'll

notice improved digestion and often timesit will help your thyroid function at a higher level. you'll notice more energy and feelthinner. overall you will notice some differences in your body when you go gluten-free. so thereare a lot of reasons why everyone watching this should be going gluten free. but i want to give you some practical stepsright now with what i've done in my life and helped thousands of patients do in helpingthem go gluten-free. and again, gluten is a protein found in most grains. and thereare some grains that are gluten-free and we'll talk about those in a minute. just to startus off here, i want to open up my pantry and give you guys some ideas here.

number one, let me say this, for breakfast,rather than doing cereals, bread or something like that, that may have gluten in it, whati've chosen to do is typically do a berry smoothie. now if i don't do a berry smoothiefor breakfast, which is basically, berries and coconut milk or berries and amasi andthen a gluten-free protein powder, there are other things you can do. i want to show you a new product that i havebeen using personally. jordan rubin, a friend of mine, i tried this over at his house andthen bought some myself. these are coconut wraps. just like you have gluten-free wrapsthat are made of brown rice, so that's a good option. my new favorite things are coconutwraps. basically it's made out of coconut

meat, coconut water and himalayan sea salt.they are awesome, full of healthy fat and a small amount of carbohydrates. so this isgreat for anybody, whether you're a diabetic or trying to lose weight or just in generalto stay fit. you're getting raw coconut in these new pure coconut wraps so these thingsare awesome. now some things i do with this is, i'll makesome eggs. i will fry up some eggs and make a breakfast burrito. for lunch, i'll actuallymake some chicken salad and throw it in here. anyways, using these wraps has been awesome.these are pure coconut wraps here. again, gluten-free and raw alkaline option, prettyawesome there. i've got those here in the cupboard.

another thing i will do for breakfast, actuallythis is my special mixture i made up. this is made of golden flax seed, chia seeds andhemp seeds. and i will put a several tablespoons of that and every morning for breakfast. again,doing different nuts and seeds is a great way to go gluten-free. another idea, something i did last night fordinner was i bought some grouper and i made pistachio-encrusted grouper. so i bought somedifferent pistachios. also, i took some different flours here. this is almond flour and so nutflours are gluten-free flours. whether you're cooking chicken, you can encrust it with almondflour or, again, a nut flour. or again, you can use actually coconut flour, it's anothergood thing, coconut, you can see here, labeled

"coconut," another coconut flour i have there. i tend to buy mostly gluten-free flours andi buy most of my flours at a general convenience store called kroger. i know they have themat publix. you can also check whole foods. obviously, they have most of these. anotherthought is if you have a vitamix, a food processor or a blendtec or just a powerful blender likei do here. i would throw nuts and seeds. like last night, i took raw pistachios, put themin the blender and ground them up myself and made my own flour and then encrusted the grouperwith that. tonight, i'll probably do chicken and actuallydo chicken encrusted with almonds and flax seed and actually coconut flakes. but thereare some ideas for going gluten-free. now

another thing you can do with your floursis you can buy just general, like this is bob's red mill. you can read here, "gluten-freepancake mix" and this is basically made up of garbanzo bean flour typically. so beanflour, beans are also gluten-free. that's another option there and bob's red mill flour.there are a lot of different options there to do as well. so again, nut and seeds andcoconut, almond flour and coconut flour are some of my favorite ways to go gluten-free. another option, rather than doing a sandwichfor lunch, or if you want to do a sandwich and use bread, again you can do a coconutwrap instead. you can do brown rice flour instead or you can also do something likeyou can get gluten-free bread made of brown

rice, amaranth, quinoa, or millet. there aresome options for you. but instead, i typically like to do a big salad and top off the saladwith some chicken, maybe some walnuts as another good option. snacks during the day, some good gluten freesnacks, again something like guacamole and sliced bell peppers or my favorite gluten-freecrackers. mary's gone crackers, dipping those in some hummus is another good option. oranother good dip is doing some salsa and again using some avocado to make your own guacamoleat home. those are all great options in going gluten-free. so here are your action steps for going gluten-free.number one, change your breakfast. if you're

doing grains, cereal, breads, things likethat for breakfast, switch it out, start doing that berry smoothie for breakfast or a burritowith a coconut wrap. for lunch, rather than doing a sandwich withgluten-containing bread or chips, what you want to do instead is do a big salad or dosome chicken salad or just skip the bun altogether. for dinner, skip the pasta, white flour, whiterice or any of that stuff and go ahead and start doing . . . you can get brown rice,pasta if you want to do something with pasta. in general, i tend to do double or triplevegetables and then do chicken, fish or something like that and encrust it and cover it in analmond four. then again, remember snacks, you can do nutsand seeds. you can do guacamole, hummus and

salsa. things like that. different dips area great option. raw cheese is one of my favorites with the mary's gone flax seed crackers. thereare some options for you on going gluten-free. again, the benefits. if you go gluten-free,you're going to notice you have more energy, you're going to lose weight and your metabolism'sgoing to be up. you're going to notice less bloating. you will typically notice your jointsfeel better as well, feel younger. so a lot of benefits going gluten-free. at first, when i started to realize that ineeded to go gluten-free, i thought, "that sounds like it's going to be hard." but youknow what? if you follow some of the action steps, it's going to be no problem at all.hey, thanks for watching another episode of

maximize your health. i am dr. axe sayinggo gluten-free.

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