easy to follow gaps diet

easy to follow gaps diet

hey everybody, today we're gonna talk about dissociative identity disorder, otherwise known as multiple personality disorder. and, if any of your have been a long time viewer, you know that i had a video come out a long time ago that was titled this but what i actually talked about in that video was maladaptive daydreaming. and i'll link that video here, because it's my bad that i mislabelled it and then made a thumbnail that didn't quite appropriately identify the video. and the truth of it is, that when i was watching that video, i started out talking about did and then i went into maladaptive daydream and never came back.

easy to follow gaps diet, so i apologize, but let's get into the real nitty-gritty about what did is. *music* since this is a diagnoses, i am looking into my dsm, my dsm. um, and i'm gonna read to you the diagnostic criteria

and then i'm gonna come back and go through the first two criteria because there's so much to be said about these and then i'll finish with what treatment options are available. ok? so let's get going. the diagnostic criteria reads that dissociative identity disorder can be diagnosed if there is a disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states, which may be described in some cultures as an experience of possession. so what that really means is that we're experiencing a whole other personality. ok? these signs and symptoms may be observed by others or reported by the individual. that is a.

b: recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events. there's a lot of amnesia that's associated withthis or you won't remember whole chunks of time whole period of their life andhold chunks of their day and what they did they may wake up and notice likewake up from that state and see they purchase something that no one elsecould have purchased for them or drew something that they know they had tocreate yet they have no memory of doing either of those things now c says thesymptoms cause, this like all diagnoses as the symptoms cause clinicallysignificant distress or impairment in social occupational or other areas offunctioning so

it's impairing our functioning now the fourthor the letter d is the disturbance is not a normal part of broadly acceptedcultural or religious practice and they also note that this isn't like kidshaving imaginary friends or play dates that's kind of something that childrengo through and that's not did ok and the last is that it cannot beattributable to the psychological effects of the substance this can't be because someone is high oron drugs and that's something that should be assessed if your clinicianthinking someone they have this you may make sure they do you know blood orurine sample to make sure that there are

no drugs in their system like they'regoing to go into more detail in the first two criterion now the first one ifyou remember that they're just a disruption of identity characterized bytwo or more distinct personality states and they talk even more about how peoplemay, with dissociative identity disorder may report feeling that they suddenlybecome depersonalized almost like to talk about in dissociation because thisis a dissociative disorder we talk about in dissociation whereyou can feel like you're kind of out-of-body like watching yourself dosomething, many who have did report feeling that very same way

many also report still have these reallystrong impulses that they normally would never have, or things that feel likethey're not even their own but they have to do it they're compelled to do it andthey're not sure why and it feels very ego-dystonic meaning it's not comfortableto have this isn't something that feels good to us it feels against who we are some even report feeling like a wholedifferent person may feel extremely large muscular others reportfeeling really small and childlike some even feel they're the opposite gender orsome will smoke when they would never smoke there are a lot of characteristicsthat feel

unlike ourselves and not related to usor associated with us all we have no control over them kind of taken over ourbodies now we're moving on to the second criteria or criterium b and if youremember it's when we have those gaps in memory or the amnesia that's associatedwith did and they talk about this because did is a trauma caused disorderpeople who have did have had a severe trauma in theirpast and many of them don't even remember it if you want more informationon this you can click over here to my repressed memories video but i justwanted to start off with that because that's why there's amnesia associatedwith did. ok, now i'm reading from

the dsm again but they say that thedissociative amnesia of individuals with did manifest in three ways the firstbeing gaps in remote memory of personal life events like they won't rememberportions of their childhood the second is lapses in dependablememory like what happened today or maybe i have a well learned skill like at my work iwork on computers and now i can't even remember how to do that and i have noidea how i ever did it and the third is that discovery of evidence of theireveryday actions and tasks they don't recollect like before when i was tellingyou that maybe they'll wake up and they'll have a new pair of jeans and apainting that there's no one else in the

house no one else would have bought thatwere created that they know it's them but they have no memory of it happeningeven talk about people with did having what we call dissociative fugues. now,dissociative fugue is when you will not remember you will dissociate and notremember travel getting somewhere there was an article when i wasresearching about this where someone woke up from a dissociativestate in japan they had no idea why they were going there they didn't know whythey got on the plane was work-related was a for fun travel they have no ideaand it can be really frightening and just for clarification know that theamnesia that i'm talking about isn't

relegated to only the trauma that i'veexperienced it would be something that maybe just happened in my regulareveryday life there's amnesia throughout people withdids life and it has nothing to do with the trauma necessarily it can just be megoing about my day and i no recollection of it but the good newsis that recovery is possible there are treatment options things that we can dobecause when i was researching this i found out that seventy percent of peoplewith did have attempted suicide and multiple attempts are common so ifyou're out there and you're struggling or someone you know is struggling and you'refeeling hopeless know that you're not

alone, know that there are things that wecan do so that this dissociation and the amnesia that comes along that can goaway. now i'm sure there are a lot of ways to treat trauma because if youremembered did is something that is caused by trauma so emdr, any of thetreatments that i talked about my ptsd video you can click here to go therewill help with this but just with regard to did know that the whole goal oftreatment is what they call final fusion meaning that we're tryingto integrate all of the different multiple personalities or otherpersonality states that's what they call them right are we can all come backtogether and we can be one whole self

again so that is the ultimate goal oftreatment and they recommend talk therapy as with all trauma work it'sreally really important that the client is ready and motivated to change becausethis can be really difficult trauma work is hard any of you out there are workingon trauma i know how hard it know how exhaustingit can be i know that a lot of you who have done emdr in the comments belowthat video told me that you just sleep the rest of the day it is really hardwork but it can get better and the thing about did that is interesting is thatit's important when we're working with you and if you're working with atherapist make sure that they're

treating all of your personalities equalbecause they're all part of you and they were created as a way for you to survivea trauma and for you to get through it and so if we have to create an alternateperson and alternate universe that we kind of live through maybe our alternatepersonality someone who's really feisty and fights back because we needed thatin the moment when we were maybe being abused and so know that they all have a right to be there andthey're there for a reason but it's causing us trouble right our function isimpaired and so through therapy the whole goal is slowly fusing themthrough working through the trauma so

know that it can take time talk therapyis the number one recommended way an individual therapy not family therapybecause it's really healing you and working on you so that you can feel likeyourself again and be that one united self 24/7 i hope that gives you a betteridea of what dissociative identity disorder is, how it can feel, how canmanifest itself and i know that everyone's experience is different soplease let us know in the comments how your experience has been and whattreatments worked for you but the research that i did so that any traumatreatment is great talk therapy being the most recommended it shows the bestoutcomes and know that you're not alone

it's very commo,n it's very common forour brain to find ways to help us get through trauma and survive. we're survivorsand know that there are people out there specialist available to help you soplease share this video, let other people know you never know who may bestruggling a lot of this goes undiagnosed for a long period of timeand some people are great at hiding it so click here to subscribe if you're newi put out videos twice a week and you don't want to miss them and if you wantto know what else i'm doing on social media following here and if you wantmore information on dissociation and videos like this click over here and iwill see you next time !

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