easy foods you can make at home

easy foods you can make at home

stephanie manley: hi! this is stephanie manleyand you know me from copykat.com. but today i'm working my way through my old home economicsbook from junior high school to where i can teach you how to cook just how i was taughthow to cook. and today we're making french toast, and it'svery very easy to make. and everyone, or practically everyone has some left over bread and an eggand some milk. and guess what! that's all

easy foods you can make at home, you need to make a nice breakfast, or lunch,doesn't matter. okay, so i'm using a griddle here. now, ifyou don't have one you can use a skillet, that's going to work just as well. but i'musing my griddle, because i love being able to make so many pieces at once.

this is really really easy to do, you needa few ingredients, not too many. you need bread, we're going to use a quarter cup ofmilk. now, ideally you should try to measure liquid ingredients in a liquid measuring cupbecause they're more accurate this way. if you don't have one, that's okay, but if youdo, grab that one. we're going to use one egg. now, i'm using a large egg, if you onlyhave small eggs, you might want to use a couple, but just one egg. we need just a little bitof salt because that helps everything taste a little bit better. we're going to use sugarbecause this recipe was developed a long time ago when we used to stick sugar in everything.no, actually sugar is pretty good in here. and, just a sprinkle of cinnamon if you like,that's going to add some great flavor.

so, let me tell you what we're going to do.we're simply going to take our egg, we're going to crack it in our bowl and we're justgoing to beat it up. then, we're going to add in our milk and we're going to continueto beat this all together. and you want to beat it until it's all nice and creamy andyellow. and at this point, we're going to add onetablespoon of sugar, this makes it taste really good. and we're going to add just a littlebit of salt. if you have a measuring thing, you might want to use about a quarter of teaspoonof salt, you don't need hardly any at all. and then we need just a sprinkle of cinnamon.and if you want to measure it, about a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon should be plenty.

all right, and we're just going to continueto whisk this in here together. now, before i cook anything on the griddle, i'm just goingto put down a little bit of butter. if you have non-stick spray, that'll also work. andwe're just going to put our butter on the griddle, so our bread won't stick. then all you need to do is take your breadand dip it in, then dip it in, you don't need for it to soak in or anything like that. andyou're just going to put it on the griddle, just like that. okay, and you're just goingto let these cook for about two, two and a half minutes on each side, they'll get niceand golden brown. now, if it's cooking faster than that, turn down your heat because it'sup too high. if you're using just a regular

electric stove or a gas stove, i would putit on between low and medium, so it doesn't cook too fast, nobody likes burnt french toast.so after about another minute or so, we're going to flip these over and let them cookon the other side. so we flipped over our french toast and it'scooked now on the second side for a couple of minutes. and now i'm just going to go aheadand take these off. and here you go, you have a great big stack of french toast, and wasn'tthat easy to make! so please give this video a big thumbs up.and if you're learning how to cook, maybe a comment down below and tell me what you'dlike to cook and i will help you learn how to cook that recipe.

thanks for watching!

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