easy everyday diet to follow

easy everyday diet to follow

what's up guys? jeff cavaliere , athleanx.com. so we're approaching our 1 millionth subscriberhere on youtube and for that i want to stop and thank all of you who subscribe to my channel, who support whati do and who consistently watch the videos that i put out.

easy everyday diet to follow, as a way of paying that back, you guys haveasked me for a long time now. jeff, let us see a day in your life. let ussee what it is what you go through from a business standpoint. what your nutrition looks like, what yourworkout looks like and even what your business

looks like. and what i wanted to do was, do exactly that. show you guys how it all starts and what itlooks like from a day to day for me. and it's pretty much to same a lot of thetimes for me, i like to have a routine and a schedule. and i think it's a very important thing forthose that want to try to get to a certain goal. be very focused, have a schedule, try to stickto it as much as you can. for me, it all starts breakfast at 8:30 inthe morning.

i get up at about 8, i'm not the earliestriser in the world but you'll see why that is as this day plays out. and for me again, i've showed a lot of differentmeals that i like to eat. my favorite one, we've covered on this channelbefore, pumpkin oatmeal, scrambled eggs and salsa, some skim milk, kiwi slices. there's no fear of carbohydrates here guys,i actually enjoy eating carbohydrates. i eat protein, i get everything i need herein the morning to get me to feel the way i need to get my day started. this is just one representative example.

and it's off to business. ax business. guys it's obviously a lot to do, beyond justthe videos that we put out here, to get athleanx to represent the ideal that i want it to. to be the best in fitness. not just an ok,remember i said don't want to be ever be average and the same thing holds through in our business. i don't want to be average, i want to be thebest and i want our business to represent that. and i get to work on that and i start workingearly and i keep that going. around mid morning i'm still working but itake a break to have a snack.

and for me, this is a typical day for yesterday,i had an rx2 shake with bananas and strawberries. so rx2 is our post workout but on days thati know i'm going to be super busy, especially days that i'm going to be training, whichyou'll see later on, i'll have an rx2 shake, it's a perfect snackfor me. it's easy for me to make in the morning and take with me so i'm ready to go and i have no concerns about my nutritionat that point, which a lot of people can trip up usually in that mid morning. and it's on the conference calls, distancecoaching and training. so here the work shifts a little bit, so nowi've got to be focused a little bit.

whether i have a conference call as a consultantfor a team or whether i have to consult with one of my athletes who doesn't live in thenortheast. this is when i try to do that. it's my distancecoaching time. so we'll try to catch up on a program, goover what it is that i want them to do for that given week or the next phase and periodof time. just to check in. i have to make sure thati'm on top of what my athletes are doing or i feel like, not only do i lose a little bitof control, but it's very very easy, even for guys thatare being paid to do this for a living for them to slip out of their schedule as well.

so it's my job as a coach to rein them inand make sure they're on track. then lunch, 1:45. i do eat a little bit ofa later lunch but that's because again, this whole morning was filled with work. my lunch yesterday matter of fact, grilledcajun chicken wrap with grilled vegetables, sun dried tomatoes, hot sauce, a greek yogurt. i'm loving the chobani banana and oats atthe moment so i had that. and then a bottle of sparkling water. sparklingwater is one of my biggest secrets for making sure that i can drink enough water in a day. i love the difference between sparkling waterand flat water.

i can drink sparkling water by the bottleand continue to drink it and not even think about it. whereas bottled water and regular flat watera lot of times feels like a chore to me. if you feel the same, i would definitely trysparkling water. again no flavors, nothing in it, just regularsparkling water. but it's the texture that makes it just alittle bit more interesting to me. then it's client training. so now if there's a client that is in townand i have to train them here in the xbox, this is the time that i usually do it, righthere in the afternoon.

a lot of athletes are not early risers eitherand that works great with my schedule. but if, even if they are, it just works reallywell when we train in the afternoon. guys have their energy levels up, they'reready to hit it and hit it hard. we'll do client training and it doesn't matter,home or on the road. here you see me training with wwe athletesting, yet this is out in texas and this is at his location. and i'll do that a lot too guys. i travela ton for my job. if i have to go where my athletes are, theni have to go where they are. and that's exactly what we'll do to make surewe get the job done.

back for a mid afternoon snack, this is nowat 4 o'clock in the afternoon. again yesterday, perfect example, black beanand vegetable and onion soup and another bottle of sparkling water. so not a lot in the afternoon, i just didn'thave a lot of time. sometimes i'll try to aim for more if i can.but if i can't, this is what it was. this is exactly what i did as of yesterday. back to ax business again. so now it's backto trying to answer emails, plan out the videos that we're going to do. that's all kind of occurring in this partof the afternoon, strategizing what we have

to do. and again, off to dinner now. now i head home,dinner at 7 o'clock. ahi sesame tuna steak, grilled cajun asparagus,sweet potato mash, another bottle of sparkling water. i told you, i drink a lot of that. i wasn'texaggerating. next is my favorite time of the day whichis when i decompress. so i've had my dinner and now i spend time with the family. my wife michelle and our four little kids.these are our four kids, our four black labs. there's four in case you lost track, now werescued a new one, her name is penny.

we have two rescue labs and again my littlepublic service announcement, if you're in the market for a dog and you'relooking to get a dog or any kind of an animal, i would always stress, it's a great thingto rescue. we have two purebred dogs, we also have theserescues and they are such great animals and they deserve the upgrade. i think that we spoil them like they're theonly thing we have, so i know these guys lucked out. but if you're out there in the market, i woulddefinitely do the same if you could. and after that guys, now it's kind of gettingtime where i train. and i told you before,

i've been training later and later at night. i start off, 8:45, rx1 with water. now i don'tnecessarily always take a preworkout. but if i'm going to be training at night likei have of late, i always take a preworkout. i just want that little extra boost so i don'tfade out, where others are already hitting the bed, i've got to be ready to train andtrain hard. so i hit my 8:45, 30 minutes before i trainand then it's training. in this particular workout here that you'reseeing, went from 9:15 to 10 o'clock. i did a little bit of athletic training andconditioning but i really this time, hit my shoulders. it was a shoulder workout for me.

so i trained for, as i said 45 minutes, youknow again if you take the conditioning out of it, i was probably training hard 30 minuteson just my shoulders. but you'll see, i'm training hard and i'mworking on getting it done more efficiently. you don't need to train for hours and hoursto get an efficient effective workout. if you train hard, you can't train long andi say that all the time. this particular workout had me wiped quickbut i know that i did what i needed to do to spark that progressive overload to buildand get stronger and come back bigger and stronger. post workout after i'm done, 10 pm, i nevermiss my rx2 with cinnamon.

so guys are always asking me for particularrecipes, i get a little bit, i'm a little bit boring when it comes to my post workoutshake. i just like to put cinnamon in it, it's alreadyflavored vanilla. this is my goto shake, i have it every single time i'm done training. i feel it's exactly what i need to concludea hard training session. i view my workout not necessarily ending wheni put the weights down. i always view my workout as continuing becauseyour body doesn't just say, ok we're done now you go back to doing whateveryou want to do. it's a continuous process and it continueshere as you fuel your body after your workout,

that's what i do. and guess what, it's back to business again. matter of fact this is my most productivetime of the night. anywhere in between 10:30 and 1 o'clock isprobably my most productive time. there's less emails coming in, there's nomore phone calls to be made, everybody else is sleeping and i feel like i'm getting aheadof the rest of the world. and this is where i like to feel like i canget through and get a lot of work done and i actually wind up doing that. and of course, right before i go to bed, 12:30about 30 minutes before i finally put my head

on the pillow at the end of the night. i have my rx3 reconstruction which is ournighttime protein recovery drink. i just mix it with fresh blueberries, a perfectway to end my day. even when i haven't trained, i also have myrx3 just to give me the nutrition that i need because remember guys, your muscles grow whileyou're sleeping. what you do in the gym is not making yourmuscles grow, it's breaking them down. what you do to fuel your body when you goto bed, that means everything. so don't ignore your nutrition, certainlydon't ignore the opportunities you have to provide your body with that nutrition at theright time.

that's what i do here. and again 12:30, 1o'clock, half hour later, i just give it a little time to digest. 1 o'clock to 8 o'clock, that's the time thati stay in bed. pretty much do this again the next day andrewind. i am a little bit repetitive here but i thinkit's good for you guys to see the schedule and see what it's like and again, you may not have to time to dowhat you want to do but you'll make the time if it's important to you. and i hope that you guys having watched thischannel, found enough things, enough reasons

to become serious about what you do. take your nutrition seriously, take your sleepseriously, take your training seriously and make the time for it. because i promise you guys, it is well worththe time that you will spend doing it. alright guys, if you found this video helpfuland you liked it and you want to see more of these behind the scenes, let me know and i'll make sure i do more ofthem here as we approach our 2 millionth subscriber. alright guys, thanks a lot again. i'll be back here again in just a couple days.

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