easy to follow lchf diet

easy to follow lchf diet

(belly jiggle) ok, this is officially a bitweird! hey, i know how embarrassing it can be, imean... it jiggles everywhere! it jiggles when i go for a walk, it definitelyjiggles when i go for a run... it even jiggles when i'm on the train and it vibrates andi just feel like everyone's looking at my belly. i get it...i'm a little bit fat!

easy to follow lchf diet, hi my name is jacob and the five weeks transformationyou just saw is documented with proof at the end of the video there's more results frompeople we used the system at bellyproof.com now i know what you must be thinking fiveweeks how much running and weightlifting and a horrible diet of low calories did that takeand my answer is i don't know it's nothing

like that i didn't run i didn't do weightliftingcrunches sit-ups, definitely didn't count calories. if like most people out there you thoughtyou knew everything there is to know about weight loss then i've got a couple of questionsi think you should ask. so much conflicting information. i'm sure you've heard that you lose fat evenlyfrom all over your body on the other hand you all know that you lose fat first fromyour face from your back but not so much from your belly or love handles they are the lastto go. in other words, no, of course you don't losefat evenly from all over your body.

here's what i want you to do i want you totake your hand and feel the temperature on your face now take the same hand and feelthe temperature on your belly. the first question would be: is your bellycolder than your face? this has to do with limited blood circulationand this is a problem because blood carries oxygen and hormones and you need all of thoseto lose fat. now, at the risk of sounding silly you wantto have a hot body? awesome, you need to do something about youcold belly. if you do a lot of cardio or resistance trainingthere's a good chance you're not optimizing your fat breaking cycles.

sorry come again, did you say fat breaking? yes! see if you want to burn fat you must breakit down first biologically speaking we must first take the triglycerides in fat cellsand break them into glycerol and free fatty acids. this is what we call fat breaking. we then take the free fatty acids and oxidizethem in the aerobic process in what we call fat burning. honestly it's frustrating to see how muchhard work people are doing inefficiently which

results in them losing water not fat it'sa shame really. question number three. is it at all possible that we're taking thecomplex human anatomy, the biological sequence, and are really over simplifying it by talkingabout calories in versus calories out? truth of the matter relying on calories foryour weight loss is very very problematic i've got a 9 minutes video you're welcometo watch it just highlighting the many problems of using calories as if it's a thing. no calories? think i'm crazy?

go and watch the video... so here's a couple of things that makes thembiggest difference and chances are you haven't actually heard of them before a. alpha-2 receptorson fat cells if they are active you can pretty much forget about losing weight where theyhave a lot of activity. where do you have the most alpha 2 receptors? that's right in your belly and love handles. b. you have about four hundred percent morecortisol receptors in your abdominal tissue. a lot of it has to do with an enzyme calledhsd type 1 and the bad news is we've all heard about cortisol but i don't care if you'redoing meditation or deep breathing everything

elevates cortisol. stress, low carbs, even exercise. so you may be thinking "that's it", i'm goingto store fat in here for the rest of my life but with a bit of knowledge you won't haveto. c. your sexy hormones. unless you live in an organic you are exposedto toxins in the air you breathe in the products you use and in the food that you eat now thisis a problem for men and for women because for women it means less progresterone andfor men it means less testosterone which also means accumulation of chest fat also knownas moobs.

as for insulin, if insulin is high that meansgrowth hormone has to be low and you need growth hormone high because it targets bellyfat. or... you can pursue a lifelong dream andmove to an organic farm. d. the basic versus the details look we'veall heard it before eat less calories and train more but is there anything else i cando the answer is yes! between exercise, recovery, eating habitsand hormonal states. between your gut health and your cold bellyand controlling blood circulation... there is one common theme making things work better! when things are better you get less problems,better performance, you get better results.

the same is true when it comes to movement. do you know the difference between flexibilityand mobility? because with more understanding of motor control comes a range of opportunities. not only to improve every aspect of how youcontrol your own body but also if i force you into positions that creates a stabilitychallenge you will burn a lot more fat. look i don't want to confuse you to the pointwhere you spend the next five years in research so i made a few videos that go in depth intothe science and you can watch them for free at bellyproof.com where you can also get theprogram. also get the program! "but if you're limitingyourself to calories only, your results are

going to be very limited as well" at the endof 2014 i did a five weeks body transformation. i wanted to do something a bit crazy so igot fat again! guys check this out... oh no i'm a fat! i am a fat fitness professional, take a goodlook! for the record, "ok google, what's the datetoday?" it's sunday the 20th of september 2015. ok good. it is impossible to photoshop the jiggle. let's see what happens. so, "ok google, what's the date today?"

it's sunday, the 25th of october 2015. alright so there you go that's exactly fiveweeks that's like just to put in perspective that's just like one month and one week. moment of truth... ahhaa not so fat anymore. great! so i don't know how much you are used to seeingyour body changing in five weeks but i'm not doing what everybody else is doing... i'm doing something quite a lot different,really different and this is my result.

you started the day thinking it is just about calories and running... ka-boom! if you've got friends who are into fitness and like theirscience please share it with them because well we don't want them to look stupid inthe gym... or do we?! you've just seen my body transformation andthere's load more results on the website from places like the middle east, canada, australia,europe. we'd love to get more results from all over the world whether you do the bellyproof program indoors or outdoors i hope you enjoyed this video please like and share and see you in 5 weeks. mmmm...

calories. forget about calories let's talk about thebiological sequence!

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