easy to follow cutting diet

easy to follow cutting diet

whats going on, guys? sean nalewanyj here;www.seannal.com-www.bodytransformationtruth.com. and in this video here i’m going to be sharingwith you 20 different low calorie sauces, condiments and dressings that you can useto flavor your meals while keeping your macros in-check. even with all the nutritional informationthat we have available now there’s still tons of people out there who think that aneffective muscle building or fat-loss diet

easy to follow cutting diet, automatically means, you know, plain chickenbreast with brown rice and steamed veggies, but that’s really not the case. as longas you make the right choices then it’s perfectly possible to achieve your fitnessgoals while enjoying your food at the same time. now, keep in mind that there’s nothingwrong with using higher calorie sauces if

they fit in as part of your overall caloriesfor the day. so if you’re bulking and you have higher calorie needs and you’d prefermore calorie dense sauces because you prefer the taste, then that’s fine. but overall,most people, especially if they’re cutting, they’re not going to want to use up toomany calories on sauces and dressings because they can really quickly add a lot of caloriesto the diet without really filling you up. so, i don’t personally use all twenty ofthese on regular basis, of course, so i don’t have them all with me here. i’m just goingto list them up on the screen here with some quick info on each one. i’m also going tolist the nutritional content per tablespoon, but keep in mind that they’re just goingto be estimates because it will vary from

brand to brand. and also be aware of the sodiumcontent if that is something you’re trying to moderate and track, because some of theseare going to be quite a bit higher or lower than others. so, here we go in no particularorder: number on is salsa. definitely one of the best fitness condiments out there withabout 4 calories per tablespoon, taste great and goes well with a ton of different foodslike eggs, chicken, turkey, wraps, salads or can just be used as a dipping sauce aswell. number two, reduced sugar ketchup. this one here has 75% less sugar than regular versionbut pretty much taste the same as far as i can tell. 1 gram of carbs per tablespoon andthis is a really good way to flavor your foods and keep the calories under control. numberthree; sriracha. this is a thai chili sauce

made form chili peppers, vinegar, garlic,sugar and salt. you can use this on a long list of foods, whether it’s a stirred fry,or omelets, or pasta, pretty much anything and it adds some nice flavor and a nice strongspicy kick as well. number four is low sodium soy sauce. this is great for asian style dishes,of course. it’s brewed in exactly the same way as regular soy sauce except that it has40% less salt. number five is hot sauce. so if you like your food spicy then this is aperfect fit. it’s extremely low in calories, especially considering that you probably onlyneed a relatively small amount to get the taste and the heat that you’re after. numbersix; low calorie salad dressing. now, they’re going to be a ton of different options here,so you can check out your grocery store to

see what they have. but a good bet is thecalorie wise line from kraft. my personal favorite, which i really love, i’m usingit every day right now is their fat free italian dressing which tasted really good and it’sonly 1 gram of carbs per tablespoon. number seven is natural tomato sauce. just find atomato sauce without any added sugar and you can use it for the obvious choices like pastaor lasagna. you can just mix it in with simple foods like rice or beans; or you can use itas part of different meat or vegetables recipes. number eight; taco sauce. this is basicallyjust tomato paste, salt vinegar and spices. obviously it’s good for mexican style mealslike fajitas or burritos, or thing like that but it also goes well with pretty much anybasic protein source like chicken or beef.

number nine is fish sauce. just like the namesays, this is a salty, pungent sauce -- i guess you could say, and it’s made fromfermented fish with some other spices added in. now, this is the highest sodium optionon the list today, so be aware of that, but because the flavor is so strong you generallydon’t need to use very much of it. number ten is oyster sauce. so fish sauce is generallypretty watery. whereas oysters sauce is thicker and it’s also lower in sodium as well. thisis a staple in chinese cooking and you can add it to meat or vegetables for some extraflavor. number eleven is tzatziki sauce. this is one of my favorites and it goes well withmeats, rice, potatoes or you can use it as a dip for things like peat or vegetables.a lot of people forget about tzatziki but

it’s based off of yoghurt, cucumbers, garlic,olive oil and salt. so it’s actually a really good option for fitness type of diet. numbertwelve is mustard, pretty self explanatory. this is 5 calories per table spoon on averageand you can add it to sandwiches or wraps, or you can it as part of homemade salad dressingsand sauces. number thirteen is worcestershire sauce. i always have trouble pronouncing that,someone can correct me if that’s wrong, but this one is a fairly complicated mixtureof a bunch of stuff; vinegar, molasses, anchovies and a few other things. it’s usually usedon beef dishes like steak, hamburgers, meatloaf, ribs or stew, just to give a few examples.number fourteen is vinegar. this is about as close to zero calories as you can get.you can sprinkle a bit over your veggies,

salad, chicken, fish, or pretty much whateverelse you feel like. number fifteen, gravy; most people associate gravy with high caloriesbecause of the type of meals that it’s usually used on, but gravy itself is actually prettyreasonable and only has about 8 calories per table spoon. so you can add some of this toa piece of steak, some chicken, fried eggs, lean pork, vegetable, rice, potatoes, it goeswell with a lot of different things, of course. number sixteen, light sour cream. so, if yougo with the lighter version, then sour cream will work just fine as a condiment if you’retrying to keep your calories under control. you can also go with a fat-free sour creamand then the calories drop even lower to about 9 calories per tablespoon. number seventeenis low carb steak sauce. even a regular a1

steak sauce isn’t too bad. it’s about15 calories per table spoon. you can also switch over to the low-carb version and youcan use it more liberally because it has about 1/3 the calories. number eighteen is greenchili sauce. so, this is a less common one that most people probably won’t think ofbut it’s great for some added spice and flavor to mexican style dishes, or just withany basic protein source like chicken or beef. number nineteen, walden farms’ products;the low calorie sauces list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning walden farms.they have an entire lineup of zero calorie products like barbeque sauce, pasta sauce,salad dressings, seafood sauce, dips. be aware that some of these do taste a lot better orworse than others, so i’d suggest reading

some reviews online to find the most popularones. my personal favorite is their chipotle ranch dressing. this one taste really goodand it goes well, not only with salads but also just with any typical meat or carb source.and number twenty has to be mentioned but you can just make your own homemade sauce.if you’re someone who enjoys cooking and you don’t mind spending some more time inthe kitchen preparing your meals. so just go ahead and run a google search for low caloriesauces or low calorie condiments and you’ll find literally thousands of different optionsthat you can choose from; low calorie teriyaki sauce, pasta sauce, mayonnaise, hummus, tartarsauce are basically nothing that you won’t be able to find if you just do some lookingaround. so there you have it, guys; twenty

different low calorie sauces to choose from.give some of these a try and let me know what you think. and if you have a favorite sauceor condiment that you use for your meals then make sure to post in comment below to shareit. so, thanks for watching, guys. i hope this list was helpful. if it was then makesure to hit the like button. feel free to share the video and make sure to subscribe.the official website is www.seannal.com. you can grab my complete body transformation blueprintwhich lays out all the tools you need to gain muscle and lose fat as effectively as possible;the workouts, the meal plans, the supplement guides along with one-on-one coaching. youcan get that by clicking here or by heading over to www.bodytransformationtruth.com usingthe link in the description box. and you can

also follow me on facebook, instagram andsnapchat here if you aren’t already. the links for that are also in the descriptionbox. thanks again for watching, guys. i’ll see you in the next video.

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