easy to follow bodybuilding diet plan

easy to follow bodybuilding diet plan

on today's episode, i'll be showing you how to create the perfect meal plan based on your daily calories, protein,carbohydrates and fat needs, to help you achieve a lean, sculpted physique. check out what's coming up on today's show. let's get started, and the first thingwe need to address is calories.

easy to follow bodybuilding diet plan, how many calories do you need to be feedingyour body each and every day to provide enough to maintain lean muscle mass, but not too much,so that your storing body fat, and just enough so that your body will actuallyuse up some of that stored body fat as fuel. well, let me give you this as a rule of thumb:about 15 calories per pound of body weight.

so take your body weight in pounds and multiply itby 15, that's a great starting point for calories. for me, that's about 2700 calories. now, from that, we're going to determine how much of that comes from protein, carbohydrates, and fats. i found the perfect ratio to be about 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% fats, and to give you the numbers on that, that's about 250 g of protein, the same amount for carbohydrates, 250,and about 60 g of fats. now, if you can maintain that for at least a couple of weeks, you'll definitely going to start to see some results and improvements. let's have a look at a few meals

and how all those numbersbreak down into actual food portions. for me, i have about 5 to 6 meals a day. so, for each meal, that's about 45-50 g, at most, of protein. it's also about the same amount for carbohydrates,and about 10 g of fats in each meal. now, if your goal is to really burn body fatand get lean, sculpted abdominal muscles and muscular conditioning, i would even move the carbohydrates to have a little bitmore for breakfast and after training, post-workout, with lower carbohydratesduring the day and nighttime, therefore, your body is going to use those sugarswhen it's depleted from sleeping and post-workout.

let's check out some of the meals that i'll typically eatand how those numbers fit into these meals, starting with breakfast. for me, breakfast is basically oatmeal, some fruit,a banana, or strawberries here, with a protein shake. so, 2 scoops of protein,that gives me those 45 g of protein that i need, it's about 60 g of oatmeal, porridge oats, with a handful of raisins and a handfulof chopped fruit, that's my carbohydrate intake, that's my protein intake, and i might even put a teaspoon of peanut butteror almond butter to get my fats. now, post-workout, easy-peasy.

we're going to have a protein shake,again 2 scoops, with some fast-acting sugars, like a waxy maize starchor some high-glycaemic fruit such as dates. 3 or 4 dates, that's your carbohydrate intake. so what about the rest of the day's meals? i have 3 options here. each of these meals has 45 g of protein, carbohydrates, it's about 40 g as well, and fats, they each have 10 g of fats. let's quickly have a look at each one. in here, i have tuna, brown rice and flaxseed oil.

protein, carbs and fats. same amount of macronutrients here,turkey patties or burgers, a serving of brown rice, some vegetables, and a slice of avocado. the same numbers. my third option here, we've got chicken insteadof turkey and tuna, i've got chopped potatos and some vegetables with a drizzle of olive oil. there, protein, carbs, and fats. nighttime, i have a scoop or two of casein, mix in with a shake,

drink that before bed,there's my 2700 calories, and i've maxed out all of my protein,carbs and fats for the day. well, that's the end of today's video in termsof setting up your ultimate meal plan. please do like and subscribe to our channel,therefore, you can check out more of our videos about nutrition, training and fitness. and also, don't forget, exclusively for our youtubesubscribers, check out our special deals up here, you can find top name sports supplement brands and get the best deals for your protein, pre-workouts and recovery. i'm rob riches, filming for prozistv.

stay training hard, stay motivated, we see you guys back here, really soon. bye-bye.

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