easy healthy diets for college students

easy healthy diets for college students

hello friends welcome to fitnessrockers.com having nutritional foods in routine life is very important for staying healthy in this video we will talk about 7 foods you should eat everyday which are extra beneficial for your health

easy healthy diets for college students, for adding a big dose of fibers and omega 3 in your daily routine include flaxseeds in your meals purchase these in bulk

and consume it by sprinkle it on fish, green salad, yogurt or on any other meals. beans are full of soluble fibers it soaks up cholesterol before it sticks in artery walls and thats why its good for heart beans contain more protein than any other plant food but its "incomplete" eat a grain such as rice at any time of the day

to “complete” the protein. adding kidney beans in daily breakfast may give extra benefits to health blueberries contains loads of antioxidans if we compare it with any other fruits it can be consumed by sprinkle it on low fat yogurt and can also be consumed by adding it in any salad broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetable broccoli detoxifies the cancer causing compound

and knows as no. 1 cancer fighter food. so, its good for health if we consume broccoli salad daily. olive oil contains healthiest fats in the world. it lowers “bad” ldl cholesterol and raises “good” hdl cholesterol apart from that live oil is also packed with antioxidants which helps in protecting artery walls from cholesterol buildup. olive oil can be used for cooking

or consume it by dressing salad with olive oil . green tea is also full of antioxidants which gives protection from cancer, heart diseases etc. green tea contains ecgc compound which temporarily increases metabolism and hence good for weight loss too. low fat curd is a great source of bone-building calcium it is also good for healthy digestion system it can be consumed by adding

fruits like kiwi, blueberries, strawberries, apple etc, vegetables or nuts into low fat curd.

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