easy good diets that work fast

easy good diets that work fast

yo, what's going on guys? troy here with muscletactics and i got a sick topic - i wanna give you guys three super easy fat loss hacks thatget you guys those ripped six pack abs. i'm currently on vacation in brazil right now.my camera guy has me standing in some bushes. if i get bitten by a snake, i will probablyeither die from the poison or die from the fear of seeing a snake. so if i do happento get bitten by a snake in this video and

easy good diets that work fast, die, just remember get ripped or die trying.that's my motto. anyways guys, brazil is an amazing, amazingplace. if you guys ever have the opportunity, make sure you check it out. you guys heardabout the song of "big 'ol butt" by ll cool j from back in the day? well he definitelywrote that song after coming here. so there

are some crazy, crazy distractions. i hopeyou guys enjoy this video and i must really love you all because there are some crazydistractions. i want to get back to going to the beach and mackin' on all these beautifulbrazilian women. so let me get right into three fat loss hacks that'll get you guysthose ripped abs. first fat loss hack is a little acronym thati came up with just so you guys can remember this and you can drill it into your head.pvw equals six as in six pack abs - protein, vegies and water with every single meal. thisis so crucial. protein, vegies and water - think about how powerful this is. if you're fillingyour body every single meal with protein, which is going to help give you that surplusof amino acids; initiate that protein synthesis,

help you stay full and build muscle and burnfat around the clock. vegies - the best form of carbohydrates if you guys want to get shredded- you want those six pack abs. brocolli, green beans, asparagus, all these vegetables areall amazing now will have an abundance of antioxidants and vitamins and minerals. icannot recommend eating vegetables enough if you guys are trying to get shredded andlose weight and stay full along the way. and then water - water is so crucial. if you guys,a lot of times if you're really hungry and you just chug a glass of water, you're goingto notice that a lot of times is actually tricking you and you're more thirsty thanhungry. so if you drink a bunch of water, you're going to be full for 15-20 minutesand over the course of time, you're just going

to eat less calories. so if every single mealyou have, say like 20 to 30 grams of lean protein, you have a couple vegetables andyou have a big glass of water, you're going to be too full to fill your body with crap.you're going to be too full to want to eat three hamburgers and extra large order offrench fries and all these other bad food item that are making guys fat and causingyou to store excess body fats. so protein, veggies, water, if you can just do this for80% of the time, i promise you it is the simplest formula to lose fat really quick, to buildmuscle and to get shredded. the second tip is cinnamon and cayenne pepper.now, i actually just saw and came across this article about cinnamon - really fact-findingstuff. i always knew it's really good for

blood sugar levels and it'll help you loseweight, but i didn't exactly know all the science that went into it. so i'm going totake up my phone here and just share a few facts with you guys that i found out about.so cinnamon has a regulatory effect on your blood sugar levels and so what this does ishigh blood sugar levels lead to an increased storage of fat. so cinnamon prevents thisby increasing your storage of fat or it help prevent this increase storage of fat and enablesyou to lose weight. and it also enhances the way that sugar's metabolised by the body andprevents the transformation of all the sugar into fats. so think about how powerful thisstuff is. another thing it does is it gives you that sweet taste without any sugar. ithas tons of antioxidants, tons of vitamins.

so cinnamon is awesome stuff, itcorporateit into your diet strategically at one point in the day. one of my favorite ways to incorporatecinnamon is every single morning, i will have a bowl of oatmeal and i'll put a bunch ofcinnamon on top, a little bit of honey. so it's delicious, it makes the oatmeal a lotbetter because oatmeal by itself, quite frankly taste like nothing; kinda shitty. so put abunch of cinnamon on top of your oatmeal and you guys will reap all these fantastic benefits.the second spice is going to help you guys lose weight is cayenne pepper and what cayennepepper does is it has this capsaicin compound which has justbeen shown to increase yourmetabolism. when you have an increase in metabolism, you skyrocked your metabolism up here. yourbody is going to be a calorie burning machine,

you guys are going to lose fat, you're goingto keep the muscle, you're going to get ripped. so cayenne pepper, throw it on all your leanproteins, throw it on your eggs in the morning. if you like spicy food, you can pretty muchthrow this stuff on anything. i put it on my vegetables. i put it on my protein. ifyou have pasta, you can put it on your pasta. incorporate cayenne pepper and cinnamon intoyour diet every single day and i promise you that you guys will get shredded; get you thoseripped six pack abs. the third fat loss hack is be conscious ofthe sauces and dips that you're incorporating in your diet daily. if you're not careful,you can add an extra 500 calories to your day just by sauces and dips. so think aboutthis: if you're in the course of the day,

if you're having barbecue sauce and sweetsour sauce and honey mustard and ranch and blue cheese, and all these really high caloriesauces and dips you guys are going to add so many calories. so the thing that a lotof these sauces and dips have too is high fructosecorn syrup. that is one of the worsethings that you can put in your body. it's going to spike your insulin levels sky-highwhich is going to cause you to store an excess amount of body fat. when you're going throughthe drive-thru like at wendy's or mcdonalds, pretty much anything, any kind of sauce ordressing or dip, has this corn syrup and this high fructose corn syrup. so stay away fromthis stuff. you guys want low calorie sauces and dips. a good rule of thumb is first youwant to make sure, you want to get a good

reading the food labels, so look at the firstfew ingredients. if it has like modified corn starch, high fructose corn syrup, juice puredextrose or sugar or glucose, stay away from it. so the second rule of thumb is you wantto find something that has under 50 calories for every two tablespoons. so this is notthat hard to find. if you go shopping at a whole foods or your local grocery store andyou just read the food label, you can find some really tremendous low calorie options.they even have low calorie barbecue sauce but i've had it which i believe is 30 or 35calories for every two tablespoons. it has a little bit of sugar but only 35 calories.even if you have a lot of barbecue sauce, you're probably not going to see the 100 calorieswhen it's that low per two tablespoons. they

even can make low calorie guacamole - guacamoleis probably my vice - like i would put guacamole on anything but it's about 200 calories fori believe two tablespoons. i know it's really high calorie - i forget how much of it is200 calories. i know it's from the higher calorie dips and things that you put on yourfood. so i've actually recently purchased this low calorie guacamole where they mixedit with like greek yogurt and avocado and the stuff is really, really good. i recentlybought guacamame which is half avocado, half edamame - helps really lower the calories.they have lentil dip. they have weight bean dip that's good for you - lower in calories.they have all these tremendous options. hot sauce is good, salsa's good, there are anabundance of really low calorie swaps and

you guys can save a ton of calories. if youjust make this healthy swap in your diet, you might save 400 calories a week and justimagine the compound effect this has over the course of the year. you're going to savethousands of calories. you guys all going to naturally burn 5-10 pounds of extra fatover the course of the year. so those are three super easy fat loss hacksthat you can incorporate into your diet - get you guys shredded for beaches and get youguys those ripped six-pack abs. when you go on vacation at a place like brazil, you wantto be patrolling that beach, feeling good about yourself, you want to have those rippedabs. you want to be walking up to that girl with that big 'ol' booty and you want to justgo holler at her with confidence and swag

looking all ripped. so those are three supereasy fat loss hacks. you guys better follow these before you go to brazil because thegirls here are absolutely insane and i'm actually on my way to the beach right after i get donehere. so i'm out of here. i'm going to find myself a girl with the big ol' booty and honorup my boy, ll cool j and i'll talk to you guys real soon. if you're looking for moregreat tips on how to get shredded six pack abs, head on over to scienceofabs.com. thanks!

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