easy diets to follow while in college

easy diets to follow while in college

what's up guys how to lose weight in college,let's go. so i'm sure by now you guys have heard a freshman 15 and yes it is real thing; it affects many manypeople but want to know who it's not going to affect? you & me! as you get to college you will realizethat the girls

easy diets to follow while in college, /guys whatever you're into are just on awhole different level from high school there are girls for days and you know having a good senseof humor and being charming it only gets you so farit's good to think that looks don't

matter but really looks do matter. i just completed my firstsemester of college and during that semester i lost over 30pounds and no i'm not talking about over the course of a full-year i'm talking one semester, four months,thirty pounds. for me i would say that when it comes to girls i have pretty high standards that's probably notreally necessarily a good thing; you kinda wanna look at a girl from theinside not the out but i mean that's just kinda me there's really not changingme. so that kinda is what drove me

to get in shape and i also had afriend who was also my roommate who's a little overweight and so we decided to get a gym membership. we would go to the gym, we'd work out and so this oldguy comes up to us he tells us we're doing our form wrong ofcourse i mean it was really embarrassing but he stayed and talked to us for a while. he was blunt, he pretty much was pretty much calling us fat; he set up a meal plan, and a workout regimen and i was thinkinlike this guy is crazy but at this point what did i really have to lose? so i tried it. so i'm going to get right to the point.

you're gonna want to get up and you're going to want to eat and this meal you want tohave it somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 to 400 calories. you eat that meal and then two hours later you want to eat again. during the course the day you just want to keep eating every two hours, a meal of 300to 400 calories. eating every two hours speeds up yourmetabolism. so many people when they're trying to lose weight they'll eat as minimal as possible and thisis a big no no. what this tells your body is that you'restarving and so what your body does is

it takes what you've last eaten and its stores it right in your gut, sothat as when time goes on it will tap into that fat so you can survive longer. so this will only help you if you wereactually starving. say you've been starving yourself all day and you're like, "dang, i'm really hungry let's hit up mickey d's."and you get a double quarter pounder with cheese or big mac whatever you're into your insulin will stay pretty low, it will be loveover the course the day and then you have this big mac.

and it will spike up your insulin which slowsdown your metabolism because your body is always trying to keepit on a flat level if it goes up it'll try as hard as i can to bringit back down and it will over correct. so there are quite afew guidelines that you want to follow as you're doing this, there are different thingsyou need to be watching out for like you need to watch outfor high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, when it comes toeating meats you wanna have lean meats like turkey, ham, roast beef and when you have chicken you wantgrilled chicken,

you can eat fish, and avoid fried foods at all costs, when it comesto drinking you want to just have mainly water cause juices are fine but they have added sugarsthat you don't need. stay away from sweets as much as possible. when it comes to splurging you probably want to have like a burger or pizza because they aren't very good for youbut they do have some nutritional value. you often want to maximize the amount ofprotein that you have because pretty much every single process you do every dayinvolves protein-protein is very

a very important source to your body. you don't want to over do it with carbs because carbs as you should know by now it's the mainsource of energy so when you have carbohydrates and you saysit on your butt, that energy starts to turn to fat because it wastes energy that you'renot using when you're sitting on your butt. when it comes to dairy products you wantto transfer your regular milk over to almond milk it's a little more expensive buthonestly it's super delicious and you won't regret it. this one was areally tough one for me but you probably

want to stay away from cheese. thanks so much for watching this video; umm,if you'd like to see a second version leave a comment down below and i can goa little more in depth in my diet and how i i mix it up so doesn't get tooboring let me know if you guys would like to see that. if you found this videohelpful leave a like, share with your friendssubscribe and also down in the links below you can follow me on social media's thanks guys!

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