easy diets to follow australia

easy diets to follow australia

whats up everybody, welcome back to my laboratory where safety is number one priority.รข„¢ i'm here with edwin sarkissian, he been supplying me with soo many mres where do you get them? edwin: well, that's a good question. a lot of people been emailing me trying to get hold of

easy diets to follow australia, me to actually find these mre. it just so happen i have friends all over the world and for example, the australia one; i have friends in australia they send it to me and the polish one i have friends over there and they send it to me and all over the place so germany; that german mre one is just so happen that my friends are from germany too. [taras: wow!]

edwin: some of them i did buy online on ebay actually couple of them or so, but majority of them is coming from friends that i know. [taras: that's crazy! i only seen united states on amazon, and- [edwin: the russian one, yeah] taras: it's so hard to get them; that's crazy. you wanna try- have you tried one? edwin: i, believe it or not i have actually tried one so, it's gonna be my first time i do collect them here and there, but never actually tried it, so it's gonna be the first time experience. nah, you're the expert, you gotta show me. so, we got australian mre and then that's a 24 hours

ration pack we're not going to hold thing because it's too much food by the way we are gonna do [edwin : just taste it] yeah just taste this and open it up no you don't know you're doing what you gotta do it well but when you got your key largo always this fake blog thing bar nice focus is a big here to do not this looks like they've bought it from the store both of the video que you

think that your what else we got away with it a to mikey i don't know i'm not giving you instant soup and then next we gotta dry dry they say i wonder how you make this stuff you wouldn't be probably going to need to consider their son did you already go to part water allowed to cool for their final i mean that's just stay calm on ya when

it starts for the stroke news viewers i said that such a lot of memories that father community when they are you sure it's not solid yeah i guess to carefully below one but it's an affront well yeah so i like defense forces but all right here this bother cooking is doing that's hot they probably haven't they have some sort of a thing where they

work together then who's giving people in australian mining facility probably get there yes or that's weird he what do you think it's this at all food cake that's the truth is also off my get away with dried it out what you got to go we got a series of the serum music musically mutually cereal

it's like you supposed to put hot water and ice maker meals are possessing me enough and i never have you never heard miss being home sellers in america bridges yes a blueberry air for cereal bar man of style and memory so many threes and then have everybody and diverse community this biscuit king crocker yeah

and we got a little i can of diet root i was in serious i think im gonna kendall you're not some work here we have taught here somewhere mr. with all the colors these little spoon night we don't need a little more lift never lifesavers lifesavers the full bottle i mean this is same as we got here more chocolate bar man they lost 3-2 over

there a lot of pics out what the mess hall no way that was cool then all of their parking you yeah that is awesome wow how their viral my up that hole but probably not going to use it because way in a hotel lobby another good idea you should do it anyway

it's just like out of the most detectors in light of what happened for the west our kids the security was going to come and kick us out we got a witness it i'm hungry i don't want to get keeps out i and i just for being followed up for this off huge i don't know what this is it's a second base food condensed what no tweeting condensed milk with kinect

know if you'd never have and i never had to happen it's so good this is cool uses you should put it on a crock and i just feel weird eating the matter to like it i always think of two things but i'm not like you know it's going to be taking so weird eating out of it to date but i still good with you don't like it i actually i used to live

in germany and we used to have these tubes the chocolate to germany so i'm kind of used to this but chocolate spreads like a number of nutella kind of the type of friends nice would be nice to do business seller yeah what is that is this layout blast through the addition of yeah are those green scrubbing pad natural ready to put

this here there's nothing to do with this for fire know maybe but maybe we'll just not going to use it you have it up later on we got noodle man it's stillborn why do you could use the extract the rear i'm not eating it i'm not gonna be easy to do that maybe you're like supposed to make bread or

something i don't know that's weird they really irresistible never wrote anything like that i'll wonder what it tastes like something vegetable and then you got me hard under those lands with donald mandado a lot left but it's something within dollar land dollar whatever that is it's going to straighten out the

chalkboard think man half of the video is chocolate three like it's supposed to get a lot of energy structure so that he was probably put in there are australian students good stuff well we got some cheese over here my little tiny hand well it was practice more

no way i think cannot pronounce like that before it's called be 48 and pc steven i think you see there's a nice but also it's the form and while but now i never seen one like that ever how do you know the numbers what they called it goes yeah i do you of them are and what you're doing in my collection

can get this part 23 sugar robert brand key coffee the medication no way yeah wow ok boyle in the water because the udo arise and what else and it moves in new lookout boiled water and app you just fill it up with boiled water and leave it there for a couple minutes and it's going to get look like instant noodles whatever you forward all

right while boiling water leaking we gotta eat some connect gonna try there first and i'll open to do not call me that smells delicious this year i want to know if you're going to like engine any of that foot wow that's amazing amazing it was hard yourself fucking meeting it's not true it's not too hard and it's not smooth up

i'll go to thrive whoa there was a joke is my favorite a lot of smells good cover in that picture i don't know why i remember you have but i want to say that ninety percent no no no no you made another video with the gist of the beauty but not everyone yeah so that's the first time getting big george models i do a memory or maybe

set some time your phone number which is everywhere they are an amazing ok what else where likes me this kit we gotta eat their cheese the working yeah just a little hard to question the small but look how long it but this little shop is good enough boiling tis us they found it a special surprise witness

whoa what is that this is like white rice and a blue girl you supposed to use the computer but we don't have any stuff which is going to fill it up and just all that is going to get cool that we're gonna get a side think mrs. it needs to be a little dark with the water and get pretty hot this is what makes you look sick you

know what's in it you know wow there's so much i haven't seen the market system especially very excite them you suppose is in the morning a lot of people even get milk but you because you don't you kill women it's not like oatmeal isn't it is also always it is always exactly what it's all communal hundred percent i know about

oatmeal but not the written test and noodles while this is a film and you don't exactly yeah maybe a little bit too much just water put them where you want to put in now the fast and all that stuff yeah i wonder what this is from put four others named sure yeah i think something yeah this is some kind of employee look

there was just one stop this is our we cook cook oh man engine more water but he added that would like to see he was just here and there are more water and make sure they don't put a stripper in my creator not here for the microwave for a minute it's just still be implicated good okay well everything is cooking and

representative somewhat not and see what it tastes like dark and we'll get them filled and you'll never get content note before yeah i don't know why hello phil maybe i should we just don't have enough tools or beings of the sibyl next time your friends look at that condensed milk go up with crap it's

white while this is my favorite what do you think oh this thing just inside oh it's probably as a good husband college because i love that is good it's a very high-quality how come i never happen i don't know this is really good if you never tried like me where can you get that we can get a regular

store yeah it's an adjust it's not just my way to go get some of the substation good don't need too much i do like to put it in a copy and energy and without me instead of sugarfoot's kill oh really it's very very light colors wow that was good okay chocolate spread i hope it's not

was the school what wisdom i i hope it's not letting my home there's no strikes now is good it isn't just us but when they think wow the gun lover and that's your flaw and i don't know if i've had this swamp jim military really take care of these people wolgast up i bet it's gonna be delicious this is the clock wow good that's a

while bottom of my favorite games ever had here with me are you have kids right here look that kids well she's probably got a trail of energy on our cocktails lord month is salty children cheese you think it's cooked not think so yeah i think so too would slap in the face it's cook enough you know it out its survival situation you know your father

will help you delight anything wow 12 years to put with so long job yeah but it's good listen supposed to be something super look i think its function i don't like pumpkin what do you think i don't know anything it's just popped him it tastes like pumpkin yeah and maybe made it too watery or something yeah

what this is going to be with wall street below all the meat you know la must be other often put you know what i really wanted to taste that german when he is that looks so delicious yeah i won't let it i'm actually i love all this like i did not have memories that i just like i feel like taking with meat and some

tomato sauce is good no matter where ya goin and imagine if we did off it would have been better this is good you never had missed it before something like that to which you have escaped yeah it was definitely cool there we go first and risk the whole lot of good

that's my quote meal ultimately i think there's a lot of other memories always wow amazing was this followed us there right that's the right pic with such why what kind of life is that i never seen anything like that your wishes and honestly probably put a little bit more would have been better brother is

playing your eyes following right foot gift shop it crossed the kitchen but here's something for you mr. with this stuff yeah-hoo you mix these together present be a good idea oh my god yeah and you make father was really weird is that a little bit to be a unit first let me know proper business

that's all watch that would usually i get very little package for you put water in it yeah oldest yeah yourself what you're supposed to do go out with other women weird like sort of a cleaning materials look here doesn't kick board yeah okay here going through this know you're doing what is the model

yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah while turning purple now yes i think it's going for something that really your bottle and then you close it and what you're supposed to do it mix it up every time i get this light energy drinks for emory my favorite you gotta look up for anything cheers and wrestling no don't know god oh it's a little other oh yeah bobby needs more

pardo and i'm more power more water let's put some more we just dump it in here or here i can and then we can mix it up who's this no one of the such a big bag because the ieds alignment why don't black or mark or alive country haha goodnight now put on now it was good lol blueberry and

apple box more one more one of the world breakup that's going to be so good look at that i lika some reason it's not too sweet and the top so it's not really hard it's not sure you at all and has jeremy develop these energy bar and i love that because it's sweet its have this to live with robot quality and also it's not to 30 so i don't want given

their sleeves and this time you don't want to eat it but the 20 kind of want to continue using it you know those ones would be the best to think 50 and cocky yeah this looks like wine all that i selected to my still selling chocolates option box it go whoa what scholars not exactly liver chocolate operation or after yeah that's what i said

you see we got equal to i don't know why it's only said russian help wow what is dad are out of school but not like to put on duck pond is what kinda job collecting got it's not a white-chocolate always disliked block check out or mixed together that cool while us to our shots what for this growth side it is supposed to be like

sanders is like always it's just old all you know what is my dad in the middle room it's not just on the surface is your wishes really sweet you know what if they don't let me go see our father you take we're going to keep drinking best of the wrong foot gave me the united states to make that both kids too but not exactly while cuz that take up

giant bar you could take a close one and i'm going to be locked all it takes bloody so weird name and not just ate somebody has that's what about that but it's just different flavor throughout what do you call the reason yeah it has doing what makes a man and we all know what evidently it's like

yeah i'm students when i have a day to look look like an event like the one of the peanut tell ya where most of the first suggested some others it's the regular one war they find out it off there on tonight yeah yeah just like they're going up you know stop forever oh laughs this is the land one who forgot about the lamb

yeah always after all this with you have to do whatever it's gonna take me it was nothing like a courier something throw it is so i'd well go in your favor its most favorite spot of this money i'm the food part i'm gonna have to go with this beat you can never go wrong with to be yeah this book is really good and the dessert

cart 0 also i really like this only because i've never tried it but that milk stuff i was gonna stay there is no evidence milk and be like they are just condensed milk if you've never tried it like my habits you should go try it was really good i don't have the all spectators good or just this 1i will like the lot

also i like this new dose that's really cool just add the hot water but condensed milk samples in any other every head like a hole to boil eggs milk you can put it on the rockets you could put on coffee in the set of btw who ok also for you for your will to ok i'm and please subscribe to edit turkish that i'm gonna put the listing description

when you share it up with your awesome videos with god you got it at least go and check it out and if you enjoy subscribe all right for us thank you for having me over it was a really fun doing these memories with you and hopefully again we can do one of these would show ya also thank you for sending your body your problem

well guys next time

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