easy diets pro ana

easy diets pro ana

ro: hey guys, it’s ro! and i’m here with my sister mo today! mo: hey everyone! ro: we asked you guys which game we should play next and we got ro: so many requests to play… mo: the tin can challenge! ro: yep! so today we will be playing the tin can challenge, and for those of you ro: who are not familiar, that is where you take a bunch of cans and you take off

easy diets pro ana, ro: the labels, so we do not know what’s in here. we had our friends go out ro: and pick these cans, so… it’s mystery cans! ro: and then, we’ll take a spoonful, and take a bite of each of them. ro: and they’re numbered on the top, and they correspond with… a little piece of

ro: paper in here, so we’ll pick a piece of paper, and then have to have ro: a spoonful! mo: and we’re gonna play with a point system where if we take a spoonful and mo: can eat the entire thing we get a point, but if we have to spit it out if it’s mo: really gross, we get zero points. ro: alright, are you ready to see who goes first? mo: ready! both: rock, paper, scissors, shoot! ro: awwwwww nuts! ro: pick your number! mo: number 1!

mo: it has this key thing… ro: i’ve never seen that, ok, so you’ve got to... mo: twist. ro: it's like a magical key! ro: just keep twisting, oh… yeah, oh yeah, you’re doing it. ro: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! mo: thanks sister! mo: alright… ro: what is that? mo: lunch! mo: 1 point! ro: ding! a point for mo! ro: now, are you ready for what it was? mo: yeah. ro: corned beef!

mo: oh! mo: alright, now it’s your turn! ro: oh great! mo: here we go! ro: 3. ro: please be oreos, please be oreos! mo: what is that!?!? ro: i don’t know! oh gosh! mo: whole spoonful. ro: a whole spoonful? oh gosh! mo: i had that whole thing of mo: corned beef in a jar. ro: is this a spoonful? mo: that’s good, that’ll pass. ro: or is it too much? mo: that’s good!

mo: chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-choo-choo! chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-choo-choo! mo: chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-choo-choo! ro: mmmm! mmmmmmmm…. mo: mmmmhmmm. there you go swallow it down! ro: oh cold beans! ro: and, what was the mystery can number 3? it was as we suspected, refried beans! ro: and, i’m a little worried because, if i had that much trouble with cold beans… ro: what’s next? mo: da-da! ro: roo-doo-dew! mo: number 2! ro: digga-digga-digga-digga-digga! mo: oh it’s juicy! there’s juice!

ro: oh it’s juicy! what’s that? mo: it looks meaty! looks like it’s something meat… ro: ooooooooh-k! mo: oh, this is a huge chunk! ro: how do you… get a… mo: oh my gosh! ro: see if there’s a smaller…. uh… mo: i can’t put this in my mouth! ro: ok, bottoms up! ro: getting all the beef over there! mo: mmmm! mmmm! ro: it’s beef? mo: mmmhmm! mo: ahhhhhhh! ro: let me see, let me see in there! mo: that wasn’t so bad actually.

ro: are you ready for what it was? mo: yeah, what was that? ro: roast beef with gravy ro: ready to eat! mo: alright, more beef! and that’s what all that gooey stuff was, mo: the gravy. ro: the gravy! alright, another point for mo! ro: doo-doo-doo-doo-da-doo-doo-doo-da-doo-doo-doo! ro: 10! ro: oooh! mo: here we go! ro: the second golden can, maybe this will be my golden ticket and m&m’s ro: are in here! ro: oooooooh! oh… oh… mo: ah-hahahahaha! mo: those look like oysters. ro: mmmhmmmm, oh yeah, that smells fishy!

mo: i think it would work best to just swallow it straight down. ro: just swall… just… mo: yeah, just swallow it right away. ro: swallow it straight ro: don’t even think about it? mo: yeah, because, you know, oyster shooters? ro: uh-huh. mo: you’re supposed to swallow it all the way. ro: just shoot it! mo: just think of an oyster shooter! ro: i got this, ok! mo: yeah, not a big deal! mo: down the hatch! ro: ugh-hwagh-hugh! ro: alright, here we go, as expected, they were whole oysters. mo: lucky number 13? ro: oooooooooohhh! mo: ahhh! ro: frrrrruit! here you are! mo: well that’s pretty lucky!

ro: a peach! mo: peach! ro: it’s peachy! mo: mmmhmm! ro: yeah? alright! ro: point for mo! ro: come on, lucky number 5! number 5! mo: high 5! ro: high 5! mo: i think that’s a beet! ro: it’s a beet? are these beats by dre? mo: da-nuh, da-nuh, da-nuh, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da! mo: ohhhh is it gonna stay in? is it gonna come out? ro: mmmmmmm! mmmmmmm… mo: looks like stay in. mo: down the hatch! come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! ro: ha-ha-ha! yes! mo: victory!

ro: beets, bears, battlestar galactica! mo: what? ro: it’s from the office! mo: dang it! ro: oh my, oh my glob molly! mo: i like that show… ugh! ro: do you? do you like the show because you didn’t even get it! mo: 1 point ro! ro: what’s in ‘dere? what’s in ‘dere? mo: 14! ro: oooooh! oooooooh! the tallest can! mo: a little asparagus. ro: oooh asparagus! mo: here we go, 4… ro: you’re winning, you’re in the lead. mo: 4 for 4! ro: bottoms up, bottoms up!

ro: delicious vegetables! look at that face! ro: you did it! mo: wooooo! ro: point for mo, well deserved. ro: molly, guess, guess if we were right or not! mo: i think so. ro: yep, but they’re extra long asparagus! mo: oh that’s what the difference was, that makes sense. ro: what do ya got for me? 6! mo: ohhhhh! ro: ohhh! mo: i know that you actually like those, so… ro: i do! i love, i think that these are

ro: hearts… mo: artichoke hearts. ro: human hearts! haha! mo: go ro! go ro! go ro! ro: 1, 2, 3! ro: texture is different than i’m used to, but that’s down! that’s down! mo: 1 point ro! 1 point ro! ro: that’s a point! ro: here we go. mo: here we go. ro: we only have 6 more cans left! 3 turns apiece. mo: 12! ro: the littlest one! molly got the tallest one and the littlest one!! ro: do the best things come in the smallest packages? mo: yep they do! ro: yeah they do! but let’s see in this case if that’s true!

mo: i hope it’s true in this case! ro: ok, let me move these out of the way for you. mo: what the heck? ro: what am i looking at? mo: are these mini cut up little hotdogs? ro: minidogs? mo: what the heck are these? juiced hotdogs? ro: turkey dogs? mo: part of hotdogs? mo: down the hatch! ro: can you swallow it? let’s see! ro: a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down! the medicine, go down! ro: the medicine go down! just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down! ro: in the most delightful way!

mo: yeah, that, turned really mushy right away, that was really weird! mo: that was… vienna sausage… ro: so it was a hot dog. mo: yeah, chicken, beef, mo: pork and chicken broth. ro: hmmm-hmmmmmm! 9. mo: 9! ro: what have we got here? mo: what is that? ro: oooooooooh! ro: i think it’s maybe pumpkin! mo: oh yum! ro: i love pumpkin! mo: that does smell like pumpkin! ro: might be a weird texture thing, i’m gonna try… ok, i need another point! mo: here we go! ro: i can do this! 1, 2, 3 here we go!

ro: oooooh, it’s that… mo: is it like baby food texture? yeah! ro: mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm! mo: that like mushy… ro: uh-oh! uh-oh! mo: uh-oh! ro: uh-oh! uh-oh! uh-oh! uh-oh! ro: uh-oh! uh-oh! ro: 1, 2… 1, 2, 3 go! ro: pffft! pfffft! pffft! pffft! mo: oh no! ro: the taste was fine, it was just the texture, i couldn’t do it! ro: oh stinker, i’m gonna lose. mo: it was a good try! ro: i’m gonna lose! ro: what’s it going to be? mo: 8! ro: what’s it going to be! mo: 8! 8! mo: oh that’s looking pretty green! oh! ro: what’s in there?

mo: oh, it looks like some sauerkraut! mo: i’ve put this on hotdogs before, so… ro: oh it’s so good on hotdogs! mo: i haven’t had it by itself before though. mo: mmmmmm! mo: i know that taste anywhere. good ol sauerkraut! ro: yeah! point for mo! ro: what fate shall i have? 7! ro: oh… what in there? mo: what is that? ro: mystery can! mo: what does it smell like? ro: oh i don’t want to know!

ro: what is it? mo: is that chicken? ro: i don’t know… it’s a big ball… mo: meat? turkey meatball soup? ro: matzo ball soup? mo: ta-ha! what is it? ro: oooooh! it’s down! point! point! point, point! pa-point, point, pa-point! mo: wooooo! ro: point, point, point, point! mo: alright, you called it, it was matzo ball soup! ro: yes! i can eat cold soup. mo: in chicken broth. ro: and now i know i can do that. mo: 11! ro: oooooh! here you go and you got the little pull top! mo: here we go, this is way easier to open than corned beef!

ro: oh! it smells… um, like… ugh! ro: here’s your spoon! uh, good luck, and, um, yum, yum, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom! ro: oooooh! my! that smells! mo: what is this? ro; that smells pretty bad! ro: um, i thought the oysters smelled pretty bad, this smells… oh-ho-ho-ho! ro: 3, 2, 1 down the hatch! you can do it! down, down, down, down! ro: oh, oh, oh, oh! mo: no! ro: i can’t believe it, that was the first can that got her! got mo! mo: i didn’t like that! ro: what was it? mo: i don’t know! ro: let’s see.

ro: delicious, cold, canned, leaf spinach! ro: last can left! number 4! here we go! mo: spaghetti-os! ro: a very iconic soup! ro: i used to eat these when i was really little! mo: they’re so good! ro: yum-yum-yum! ro: yum! mo: uh-oh spaghetti-o! that ended on a pretty good note! ro: yeah! mo: yummy! ro: yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! ro: doo-da-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo! we have the winner of the tin can challenge

ro: today! mo, your victor! she won with 6-5 it was very close game. mo: it was a good game. ro: put her there sister. mo: gg! ro: gg! ro: thanks you guys for suggesting this game, it was very fun, although it was ro: a little bit weird. if you have any other suggestions of other games we ro: should play, please leave us a comment down below. ro: and, if you would like to check out our previous vlogs ro: and games we’ve played together,, you can click up here. mo: or up here! ro: yeah, and i’ll put mo’s links down below, she has twitter and instagram! ro: so you can go say hi to her over dere!

ro: this game was fun, but it was a little bit weird because i’ve never had food ro: right out of the can before. usually you heat it up or… mo: yeah, i think it was kinda weird too, not knowing exactly what you were eating. mo: or what types of meats or vegetables. ro: yeah, i wish i could have ro: cooked it up a little bit! it really makes a ro: difference with the texture and stuff. mo: oh, you bet! that was fun though! ro: yeah it was fun! you’re really good at these games. but that spinach got ya! mo: that spinach though! ro: and dose oysters doe! woof! woof! mo: woof! ro: woof!

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