easy diet diary app

easy diet diary app

[soft guitar music] [slique in 60] jonny turner: heyall, jonny turner here from the mediaproductions team at corporate in lehi, utah.

easy diet diary app, we're excited thatyou've decided to participate in theslique in 60 challenge. as part of the challenge,we ask that you track your progress bykeeping a video diary

of your ups and downs,the challenges, and your accomplishments. it's a fun way to see yourjourney from start to finish. at the end of the challenge,you'll be able to look back and see yourfull transformation. to help you makeyour own videos, i'm here to show youhow easy it is to do, and how to make themlook good using simple video techniques.

you'll be surprisedjust how easy it is, especially if youhave a smart phone or computer web cam. you'll learn howto go from this... -- what's up guys?just doing my jonny... -- to this... -- gets picked upby my cell phone. there are five easysteps to follow to look your best inyour video diaries.

one, shoot landscape,or horizontal. two, keep the microphone close. three, stabilize your camera. four, keep them bright. five, plan ahead of time. shooting landscape. i know it feels easierto shoot vertical with your cell phone, buttry your hardest to resist. our eyes have an easier timefollowing a horizontal story.

also, by keeping itconsistently landscape, we prevent our finalvideo from doing this. keep the camera andmicrophone as close as the shot requires. cameras love your voice. if we're just seeing your face,keep it within three feet. if you're going wider tosee your entire body, for instance, just tryand keep the microphone and camera as close as you can.

[stabilize your camera] find a book or bagto prop your device up against so it doesn't move. if you want to investin a small cell phone tripod, thatalso works great. shaky footage takes usout of the video story, so let's keep it steady. [keep them bright] cameras love light.

and when you're dealingwith cell phone cameras, or web cams,keep the light as bright as it can get. we want to see your face. so when at all possible,film with the sun, or go towards the light. [plan ahead] take some time beforehand and plan out what you'regoing to say.

it makes all thedifference when you hit the record button. and it'sbetter for the viewer. one final note: keep going. your first couple videosmight not be perfect, but you'll learn and grow. and most importantly, remember, it is all about story. and these tips andtechniques are just ways to help youtell your story.

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