crash diet one day

crash diet one day

how do bodybuilders get lean before competition? that depends on your definition of lean. cleaner lines, lower weight, better appearance. body builders may restrict their water intakebefore competition to lower their weight and increase muscle definition, though they riskdehydration.

crash diet one day, i’ve heard of guys assuming that if theycut out water for a day, they’ll get a lot leaner. you’re more likely to get knocked out thanknock out the competition doing that. cutting back water by half for one day is tolerableif uncomfortable.

as long as it doesn’t muddle your thinkingtoo much. some people engage in water fasting a dayor two before competition, only drinking water while trying to work out. you end up starvingbut several pounds lighter. i’ve heard of both body builders and fashionmodels using diuretics before competition. that risks dehydration, too. it lowers yourweight, but it isn’t true weight loss. yet they get sold as a weight loss product. you gain it all back when you start drinkingas much as you should. how do they get in peak condition before competition? a peak is defined as a high point surroundedby lower ones. if you have to get in peak

condition, maybe you should work harder therest of the time. that’s hard to do. there are people who work harder over a fewweeks to lose a couple percent of body fat, but you can’t maintain low levels like 2%or 3% body fat forever. because you’ll lose muscle once you arelaid low by a cold and have no fat reserves. or suffer from the cold without insulatingfat. a jacket works so much better. and it is muchmore stylish. there are guys who crash diet while workingout a few days before competition, and they reward themselves afterward with a major splurge.

so starvation diets and binging are equalopportunity offenses. that’s nice to know. or sad.

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