today we are showing you how to make thismind blowing stonkingly gorgeous is that enough descriptive words? i think so, coffee cake. hey folks how is it going, alright mrs b iam fine, welcome to my virgin kitchen oh that tastes so good, this coffee cake is so good,it is so delicious and so simple to make right,
easy zone diet dinner recipes, it is like eating a starbucks, or other coffeebrands are available, so if you guys want to have a go at making this cake, head overto my virgin kitchen website, and there you will find a list of all the ingredients youneed and the full method, plus thousands of others all the ones rolling back the yearsi think i have done a coffee cake before but
this one has turned it up a notch, this onei did, mrs barry is getting very good at baking indeed, it has an optional walnut toppingon there, you do not have to use them but you are going to love it so lets tell youhow we did it so you can have a go too, start the steps mrs b i am going to have some cake,ok you eat your cake i will have mine later, first thing we did was get a big bowl andcream together the butter and sugar we are using an electric hand whisk today so we whiskthat so that it is light and fluffy you alright there, sorry was in the zone, just get itlight and fluffy baby, like a little chick. next we add the eggs one at a time, beatingtogether in between until nice and fluffy, that is all four eggs yeah all four, i knowit was four because we had three in the fridge
and had to go and get another one, it wasworth it right, it was definitely worth adding the extra egg. next up is your sieve stage, you sieve inthe self raising flour and baking powder it is going to give it a nice rise, you eatingthe cake too now, i am delicious, with that in there you just want to keep folding untilfully merged, make sure you get right down to the bowl folding with a spatula, fold allthat flour in, we are still doing it like that, as we are talking retrospectively, iremember like it was yesterday, in fact it was yesterday. ok so to infuse our cake with coffee flavourlove that word infuse, in a small ramekin
we had some espresso powder and mixed thatwith some boiling water until it formed and poured that into the mixture and again foldedit in, yeah definitely i thought it looked like mud when first mixing it through butit is more like chocolate after a while, it is a good look, but do not be tempted to trythat espresso as it is off camera i did not catch this but she was like urgh do not dothat. divide that mixture evenly into two linedsandwich tins and bake in the oven for mrs b about 25 minutes oh yes the temperatureshould be on the screen right now once they have done that leave on a wire rack to fullycool down, meanwhile you can make your coffee infused buttercream which is delicious, verygood, it is your turn now.
my turn, oh ok, get your room temperaturebutter in a bowl and beat together with a spoon and then you add in your icing sugar,i did it 3 or 4 tablespoons at a time, just to stop that big splash, we have learnt thatthe hard way and you guys have helped with that, yeah an icing sugar explosion add inthe tablespoons of icing sugar mix it together and then keep going until it is all used upand well combined with the butter, to drive some coffee flavour into the buttercream wedissolved some espresso with water and chucked that in too mixing it through too until youhad a light infused buttercream, i just want to spread everywhere, yeah the colour lookedamazing, like a face pack, with the cakes cooled from the wire rack add on the buttercreamicing, get the base sponge, layer that buttercream
icing all over, smooth it all around niceand even and then plonk another on top, right mrs b yes and then you want to plonk a bitmore buttercream gently though spread it all evenly on the top of the cake, then we addedsome lovely delicious chopped hazelnuts no we added bashed walnuts but that is fine othernuts are available we did not use hazelnuts they were walnuts, oh yeah, does not matterhazelnuts would be fine like a nutella vibe, may have to try that, in fact try that doit for mrs b but i hope you agree we take a slice out of it, we have nearly finishedthe cake, during this video, absolutely gorgeous, it is go perfect with a cup of coffee, orcup of tea, i was wondering what you were going to say then, like go perfect, wouldyou eat coffee cake with a cup of tea?
hmmm dilemma do you, so that is it then folkshope you give this recipe a go, mrs b smashed another cake again remember there is a bakingplaylist up here and down below subscribe for regular recipe videos and food fun andfollow us on social media where the story continues with more behind the scenes bitsand exclusives of videos coming up soon, and send us pictures of your recipes too, bye!
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