what's up, guys? jeff cavaliere, athleanx.com. hey, the title says it all. i am going to show you today how to startgetting some shit done! now, if language offends you, i have a lotof other videos that i've done where the language
easy to follow gym diet, is not a little bit on the dark side. the fact of the matter is, this is somethingi'm very passionate about, and yes, i am a coach. sometimes coaches have to tell you what youdon’t want to hear.
you know what? it's usually that advice that gives you thebiggest kick in the ass that you actually need to hear. so here's what we're going to do. we're going to talk about the one, most importantthing to getting results no matter what it is that you're trying to achieve. obviously, here, if you're watching this channel,you're probably trying to change your body. you're probably trying to get to another levelof fitness. you'd better be consistent, because consistencyis the key.
now, i know you've probably heard that before,but i'm going to show you exactly how to be consistent. to do that, you have to first breakdown thetwo types of consistency. there's a voluntary consistency and then there'san involuntary consistency. now, being consistent with bad advice is goingto make you consistently bad. so you have to understand whether the advicethat you're being given, or the advice that you're following is good advice, or bad advice. but we can almost take care of that with involuntaryconsistency. what i'm talking about there is either beingsick, or being injured when it comes to training.
if you are sick, or injured, you're not goingto be able to be consistently. involuntarily. you can't do anything about it. your head might be there. your heart might be in it. you want to train. your body says "screw you! you aren't going to train." what happens is then you can't get to thegym, you can't get your results, and you can't
be consistent. if your program that you're following rightnow – i'm going to talk about programs in a second – if it's leaving you feeling rundown, beat up, sore, to the point where you can't even get to the gym, or find the motivationto get there – because you hate the whole process – and it's causing you to miss workouts;you're following bad advice. so you can pretty much ensure that you candetect when you're on a bad path and when you're on a good path. if involuntarily you're getting shut downbefore you can start and play, you're following bad advice.
so let's assume now that you're followinggood advice. if you're here on this channel i hope youagree that you're following good advice. voluntarily, there are a few things i needyou to do. just a few. it's going to work if you do this. the first thing you've got to do is stop makingfreaking goals, okay? listen to what i'm telling you. goals are the "what". without the "why" they don’t mean shit.
a goal could be "i want to get ripped. i want to get jacked." even specific goals. i tell you here all the time "follow specificgoals. you make specific goals, you will get there." i want to be 195lbs by december 12th. good for you. why are you doing it? if you don’t know what i'm talking about,watch this video that i put up over here that
explains all about the "why" and how importantthe "why" is because the "why" will drive you to your goal if you listen to it and youlet it drive you from within. the "what" is just a fantasy. the "why" is what drives you toward that "what". so stop making fucking goals until you'vedone the "why" first. promise me. number two: a famous quote by steven covey"don't prioritize your schedule. schedule your priorities." think about the difference there.
what do we always do? how are you going to make the time to stayconsistent? you're going to take your schedule and you'regoing to figure out where in your schedule you can fit in what you're trying to do. where you can fit in your workout. that's not going to work. if you want to be consistent you have to scheduleyour priorities. in this case your priority is to workout. so, you're going to put that in and startthere, and work the rest of your schedule
around that. schedule some time during every day that you'regoing to train. i will tell you this: ask your friends. all the friends that you know that workoutall the time. ask them one question. "when do you train?" almost 99% of them will tell you the samething. "i always train in the morning, first thingwhen i wake up. i always train at night, after the kids goto bed.
i always train right before i get home, wheni get out of work." they stay consistent that way because they'rescheduled in at a very specific time every day, and it's a lot easier to maintain that. the next thing i want you to do – again,contrary to a lot of the advice that you've been given, but i'm not going to bullshityou – take away your freaking feelings, guys. this is not a whole emotional love fest betweenyou and your goal. it can't be if you want to get there. you've got to remove all of your feelings.
if i told you to start having feelings aboutbrushing your teeth, or taking a shower that' would be the most ridiculous advice i've evergiven you. "how do you feel when you're brushing yourteeth? are you sad? are you happy about it?" you don’t think about it. you just do it. every day. you know you've got to do it.
you have to become a lot more pragmatic aboutyour workouts. this is not a "feelings" thing. this is an "i'm doing it. period. end of story. i said i'm going to do it before work wheni wake up. i'm going to get out of bed, i'm going toget my ass to the gym, and i'm going to do it. when it's over, it's over."
be pragmatic about it. i'm not saying "no." what happens – so this leads me to the nextpoint – what happens if you miss a workout? some people, because they attach feelingsto it they go "oh, i'm a loser. i’m a loser. i didn't make it to the gym. i knew i couldn't stick with this. i always give up before i start." no, now you're attaching feelings to that.
if you weren't attaching feelings you'd say"fuck it. it's gone. tomorrow i'm going to be at the gym. i'm going to do it all over again. tomorrow – i'll make tomorrow my day. today i didn't do it." no feelings attached. you don't have to be perfect to achieve yourgoals. listen to me.
you do not have to be perfect to achieve them. you just have to be pretty damn good. if you're consistently following good advice,perfection will never be needed, and you're going to get to where you want to be. so never get so beat up on yourself becauseof that. if you remove those feelings you'll be good. finally, some of you guys are going to lovewhat i say here. remove your options. too many options are killing your progress.
"i'm going to do athleanx, but i just heardabout this other program. let me see what this one is like first andmaybe – no. you know what? i think there's another – what if this style'sgood? i like training like an athlete, but maybethis style." all you're doing is intentionally delayingthe inevitable. you want to do something, but you're lookingfor ways to continue to stall your progress and give you a reason to not start. you know you're doing it, too. you're constantly looking for options to confuseyou, to load your plate up.
remove your options and you know what? if i'm the one you remove, so be it. so be it. at least the one that you adopt: do it! adopt a method that you're going to believein. the only thing that you need to do is knowthat you're following good advice. we talked about that in the beginning. and make sure that it's something that youbelieve in and knows they can take you to where you want to be.
now, i stand up here each and every day anddo a video for you guys each and every week, multiple videos because i know i can takeyou where you want to be. you wouldn't be following this channel ifyou didn’t believe in me. so if you do want to follow athleanx, letme – work with me. let me show you how i do it. i will show you how to stay consistent becausei will tell you what to do every, single day. i will give you a plan. you won't have to think. you've just got to show up.
you have to take away the emotion. you have to stop with your goals and understandwhy you want to find – why do you want to train like an athlete? why do you want to let me help you do it? because it's really important for you to understandthat. when you have it all in place, then seriousfreaking things get done. i promise you they do. serious results are standing right in frontof you if you start getting shit done and stop making excuses for not doing them.
guys, i know this has been a little bit ofan earmuff video, and that's fine. i know some people will tell me "jeff, easywith the cursing. you shouldn't curse. it's not professional." that's bullshit. as a coach sometimes passion is what drivespeople, and sometimes the things that they don’t want to hear are, again, going tobe the things that drive them to finally achieve them because they're hearing it from the heart. that's how i want to speak to you guys, always.
if you're looking for a program – as i'vesaid many times – head to athleanx.com. you don’t want this one? find a program somewhere. there's plenty out there. but do it. in the meantime, guys, i'll be back here injust a couple days. leave your comments below. i know there's a lot of honesty here on thischannel. tell me, what are you struggling with?
if you start applying what i showed you, maybethings will be changing starting today. all right, guys. i'll see you soon.
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