easy to follow gi diet

easy to follow gi diet

what's up everybody welcome back to my laboratory or kitchen where safety is still number one priority and today we're going to put to the test 10 kitchen gadgets let's check this out first gadget we got is a watermelon gadget

easy to follow gi diet, of course we're gonna need a watermelon but you still need a knife you have to cut the watermelon in half *cutting* boom

so this is a watermelon slicer how it works you put it like this and push it in and just follow through wow! that's so easy! wow this is awesome so i can make either slices or i can also make cubes this is so easy i love it so let's make cubes

all the way like this and now all we have to do is just dump it out look at this. this is awesome. of course it takes a little bit of practice to get better at it but now you got cubes of watermelon i love it thumbs up from me for this gadget this was so much fun i have to try this again look at this

slice it up easily i like this a lot this time instead of cubes i'm just gonna dump them out like this boom look at that this is so cool wow this is awesome i love this gadget you can do these pretty cool squares or cubes i love it this gadget we got a lemon juicer

for a lot of recipes or for making lemonade you need fresh lemonade? and it's really hard to squeeze out the lemon with your hand just like this a lot of it comes out but most of it is still inside of it you see there's still a lot of lemon juice which gets wasted look how little there is but with this gadget what you wanna do is cut the top and the bottom just like this

and then put it in and then you can press it together look how much juice is coming out boom all the way down look at this lemon completely gone compare this to this this lemon gadget is amazing because i don't have to squeeze it with my hand and get juice all over my hands

all i have to do is just cut it in half and cut the bottom put it in here and just squeeze it and it's mess free and also you get the most juice out of it it's amazing, love it look how much juice i have there awesome. thumbs up from me for this gadget i got chips sealers

check this out they are different sizes for large, medium and small chips bags so let's say you opened up a bunch of chips and you don't want any more what happens sometimes if you open they go stale so let's see how this gadget works what you wanna do is just fold it in half together and you see it's a straw with the inside of it and you just pull it through and it's sealed look at this

you see it's so sealed even the air doesn't come out awesome and also it works awesome for the small bags as well just fold it in half like this and push it through push it all the way maybe this one is a little bit too small so you grab medium sized sealer

push it through and boom your chips are sealed, they cannot come off love this little chips sealer thumbs up from me when you're cooking something in a pot and you have to stir it most of the time the spoon is gonna be really dirty and when you set it on the table all that stuff that was stuck to the spoon will stick to the table

so there's nowhere to put your spoon without dirtying up your table so this gadget is a spoon holder it's awesome all you do is clip it in and boom your spoon is not dirtying anything up it's just hanging over the pot pretty awesome, huh? for this gadget i've got cover blubber it's supposed to cover

if you cut a watermelon in half you don't want to expose it or leave it open in the refridgerator it will just kinda go soggier on this side so let's put it to the test see if it actually works it feels like slime really really strange it looks like k let's test it out wow look at that! it streched out so much this is awesome

cover blubber look at this thumbs up from me for sure i can even set it like this in the refrigerator and i don't have to worry about it leaking into my refridgerator let's try these ones with different stuff as well i got here piritz or pepper in english what i'm gonna do is cut it in half let's say i'm gonna use half of it and i only need a half so i don't want to sit it like that in the refrigerator

it might go bad so we're gonna get one of these blubber covers now it's not sticky and all i'm gonna do is put it over like that wow look at this this is awesome. i love it! it's so packaged and guess what all i have to do is just wash this blubber and i can reuse it again and again. i love it

for this gadget we got herb scissors let's unpackage it looks like it's scissors with like four blades this is cool and it even comes with a holster pretty awesome and i guess you can just clean it out like this when you wash it so that's what it looks like it's for

if you need to get the pieces out of it so now let's put it to the test i have green onions over here maybe it's not the best for that part let's try to do this side yeh that side works really well and look it's perfect slices let's do double wow it actually works pretty well

so if i need to chop up green onions into small pieces it works really well look at this this is so satisfying to do this awesome. lovin' it. and looks like you use this to get it out from your scissors wow that's so smart they figured this out also if you need to shed a bunch of different herbs that will be easier way better than doing it with a knife

unless you have super awesome chef skills use a knife i'm gonna be using that because it's a lot easier for this gadget we got a bowl over here with food we want to put it away but you don't want to leave it open and put it in the refridgerator it will go bad pretty fast so i got here expand-a-lid so we're gonna just gonna get the biggest one i think for this one and let's see if it will work

ah man looks like they're meant for something smaller than that so maybe something like that let's see if it will fit on that kind of bowl it looks like it's airtight i like it. it fits for sure i wish they would make a little bit bigger ones so that they would fit on a bowl like this but it's too small.

oh well. so let's try it with a smaller bowl i'm just gonna put it in and stick it all the way look it fits all the way they are different sizes so looks like some of them would work even with the jars let's say i'm only gonna use half of those beans and i need to cover it

all i'm gonna do is grab this cover and or lid expand the lid and just put it over like this now we gonna test it let's see nothing coming out and again to open it: boom. wash it and ready to be reused

love these expandable lids for sure. for this gadget i got here ziploc holder so what you need to do is grab a ziploc bag and slide it through here and slide it through here and now you can pour something in the ziploc bag and that way it will hold it for you while you pour in something i have a lot of watermelon but this ziploc is a little bit too small for this so i'm gonna extend this get a bigger ziploc bag

and stick it into the ziploc holder simple, right? and this makes it simple to throw watermelon into ziploc bag a little mess but it's alright with practice i won't miss any of them now i can unpackage it get all the air out my watermelon is ready to go into the refridgerator ziploc holder, i like this

for this gadget i got here bag resealer or chips sealer so you lock this while it's not in use and open this and then you close and it should heat up ok let's test this out k and let's see oh wow it sealed it up almost completely it works okay with chips

it's meant for the plastic bags like this we're gonna hold it like this and just swipe it through and now i gotta finish resealing it on this side as well now let's try to open it look at it. it's completely resealed. you see i have to break it to open it again for this gadget i got these gloves what they are is actually non-cut gloves.

you see? if i try to cut myself it does not cut me at all. and you see this knife is really really sharp as you can see so as you can see i'm cutting this lemon no problem but when i'm trying to cut my hand it does not cut me. pretty crazy, huh?

so if i'm using super sharp and expensive knives that can slice through fingers easily this will be very, very useful. and now i'm gonna take it out and see what happens boom. and it burnt out. crazy, huh? i'm gonna lay it

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