easy to follow dash diet

easy to follow dash diet

help lower high blood pressure by eating thesehealthy foods. by lifebuzzfeed.com consuming less sodium may be important tohelp slash blood pressure levels, but eating more of these foods is good for your heartand arteries too. baked potato.

easy to follow dash diet, these tasty spuds are rich in magnesium andpotassium, two nutrients that are an important part of the dash diet (dietary approachesto stop hypertension, or high blood pressure). a potassium-rich diet helps the body becomemore efficient at flushing out excess sodium, which can raise blood pressure; and magnesiumhelps promote healthy blood flow, according

to nutritionist joy bauer. skim milk. a cold glass of milk offers a solid servingof both calcium and vitamin d, nutrients that work as a team to help lower blood pressureby 3 to 10 percent, according to bauer’s website. those numbers may not sound impressive, butthey could translate to a 15 percent reduction in heart disease risk, she added. other research suggests that people with lowlevels of calcium are at greater risk of high blood pressure.

eggs. if you think eggs are not heart healthy, youshould know that past studies have shown that yolks don’t raise heart disease risk; nowrecent research has found that egg whites can help dial down blood pressure, accordingto a study presented earlier this year at a meeting of the american chemical society. as menshealth reported, when rats with highblood pressure were fed a protein found in egg whites, they experienced a drop in bloodpressure that was comparable to a low dose of captopril, a blood-pressure-lowering medication. although more research is needed, eggs area solid source of protein, vitamin d, and

other healthy nutrients. broccoli. this cruciferous veggie is a good source ofthe blood pressure-regulating minerals magnesium, calcium, and potassium. previous research in animals has found thata diet high in broccoli sprouts may help reduce blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, andstroke. broccoli sprouts are high in compounds thatmay help reduce damage to arteries, which may play a role in high blood pressure. beet juice.

people with high blood pressure who drankabout eight ounces of beetroot juice experienced a decrease in blood pressure of about 10 mmhg, according to a study published in april 2013 in the american heart association journalhypertension. the magic ingredient? nitrate, which turns into nitric oxide, agas that widens blood vessels and aids blood flow. a glass a day could help keep blood pressureat a lower, healthier level. sesame and rice-bran oils. people who cooked with a blend of the twooils (available at health food stores) saw

a drop in blood pressure almost comparablewith the decrease that results from taking medication, according to research from theamerican heart association’s scientific sessions. researchers believe the effect is due to theoils’ fatty acids and antioxidants such as sesamin, sesamol, sesamolin, and oryzanol. bananas. famously rich in blood pressure-lowering potassium,one banana contains about 420 milligrams, or 11 percent of the 4,700 milligrams theamerican heart association recommends people consume daily.

surprisingly, however, many veggies are actuallyhigher in potassium than these popular fruits. a cup of swiss chard boasts 960 milligrams,a cup of cooked white beans has nearly 1,200 milligrams, and a whole avocado has 975 milligrams. dark chocolate. a tasty way to be heart healthy! dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants calledflavanols, which make blood vessels more elastic, according to prevention. stick to an ounce or less a day and make sureit contains at least 70 percent cocoa. you are watching: help lower high blood pressureby eating these healthy foods.

by lifebuzzfeed.com. please like and share this video to friendsand family to help people live healthy and prevent diseases. and subscribe our channel for more daily videos. share with us your knowledge and what youthink about this video. thank you for watching. add these cancer-fighting foods to your dailydiet now. according to a major report released in octoberby the american institute for cancer research, more than half of the estimated cancer deathsthat will occur in the united states this

year are related to preventable causes. among these, poor dietary habits, obesityand being overweight account for 25 percent of the preventable causes of cancer — secondonly to smoking. and while individual nutrients have been foundto demonstrate anti-cancer effects in the lab, the evidence suggests that eating multipleanti-cancer nutrients and phytochemicals (beneficial compounds in plants) together as part of ahealthful diet seems to have the most protective effect on warding off cancer (as opposed totaking individual supplements). in other words, while no single food can guaranteethat you’ll be cancer free, eating a combination of these foods as part of an overall healthfuldiet can certainly tip the odds in your favor.

here are five potent foods to include on aregular basis. 1. cruciferous veggies broccoli, kale, cabbage, brussels sproutsand cauliflower are all cruciferous vegetables. several laboratory studies have suggestedthat cruciferous vegetables help control body enzymes that protect our cells against cancer. compounds in these vegetables called sulforaphaneshave shown the ability to stop the growth of cancer cells in the breast and other tissues,like the colon, liver, lung, and cervix. but some research suggests that overcookingyour veggies can knock out a majority of these

compounds. to get the most out of your veggies, lightlysteam or sautã© them rather than boiling them. 2. beans and lentils according to a study in the internationaljournal of cancer, women who ate beans or lentils two or more times per week had a 34percent lower risk of breast cancer than women who ate them one or fewer times per month. beans contain compounds called flavanols whichhave been shown to ward off various types of cancers.

beans are also a great source of lean proteinand fiber (the kind that can help lower cholesterol!) 3. berries all berries have a compound called ellagicacid, particularly strawberries and raspberries. according to the american institute of cancerresearch, ellagic acid may help slow the growth of cancer cells by acting as an antioxidant,helping the body fight specific carcinogens. fresh and frozen berries both deliver thebenefits! 4. walnuts

these tree nuts contain phytosterols, plantcompounds that may bind to estrogen and stop breast cancer cell growth according to studiesdone in mice. in one study published in nutrition and cancer,mice that ate the equivalent of 2 ounces of walnuts daily had significantly slowed tumorgrowth compared to mice that didn’t have walnuts. walnuts are also a great source of the omega3 fatty acid ala as well as other plant compounds like polyphenols and vitamin e, which haveadditional health benefits. 5. salmon

the omega-3 fats in fish such as salmon, mackerel,white tuna, sardines, and herring may help fight breast cancer. researchers think that the positive effectcomes from the omega 3’s ability to lower body inflammation. over time, inflammation can increase the riskof cancer. eating about 4-6 ounces of high omega 3 fattyacid fish at least twice per week is recommended to get the most benefits. you are watching: add these cancer-fightingfoods to your daily diet now. please like, share and subscribe our channelfor more daily videos.

how to stop and prevent hair loss in men.by lifebuzzfeed.com. changing your diet, easing up on stress, anda visit to your doctor are just a few of the things men can do to prevent balding. keep going to learn more. watch what you eat. healthy eating habits can do wonders for creatingthicker and fuller hair. lean protein found in fish, lean meats, andsoy supports hair growth, and nuts and seeds are packed with vitamin e and healthy fatsto provide your hair with the oil it needs to stay soft and healthy.

even spices can help: adding cinnamon to yourfood can help provide necessary oxygen and nutrients to your hair. stay hydrated. some 25 percent of your hair follicles aremade of water and when you are dehydrated, new follicles may be weak. take your vitamins. next to stress, genes, and medical issues,vitamin deficiency is a primary reason for hair loss in men. to help prevent balding, get enough vitaminsfrom a well-rounded diet.

vitamin a is helpful in regulating the synthesisof retinoic acid in the hair follicles. vitamin b can help you reduce your stresslevels (a contributor to hair loss) while vitamins c, d, and e help your body maintainthe necessary nutrients that it needs to remain healthy. get an expert opinion. ask a dermatologist how to prevent hair loss,and more than likely he or she will tell you to be proactive and work to solve the issuebefore it starts or gets worse. according to seamour weaver, md, of dr. wdermatology, the first step is to see your dermatologist to have them determine whatthe cause of your hair loss might be and what

to do about it. they can talk to you about what medicationsyou take, what hair products you use, as well as get a family history. the answer may be as simple as changing amedication that has hair loss as a side effect. avoid the “man bun” and other tight hairstyles. be careful if you are a fan of tight hairstylessuch as “man buns.” according to tiffany masiello-helt, a cosmetologistat precision, a clinic out of ohio, “these hairstyles can result in a condition knownas traction alopecia which is a hair loss condition that occurs when your hair is underextreme tension, creating a constant pulling

which inevitably damages the hair follicles.” it may not seem important when you are younger,but your choice of hairstyle could determine whether you hair sticks around later in life. talk to your doctor about hair loss medications. when it comes to how to prevent balding, severalmedications and treatments are on the market that may slow or prevent hair loss in men. one of the most well-known is minoxidil, otherwiseknown as rogaine. rogaine, an over-the-counter foam, has beenshown to prevent hair loss and may promote hair regrowth in some.

you apply it directly to your head twice daily. it is more efficient at growing the hair backon the crown and less so at the front of your head. finasteride, or propecia, is a prescriptionpill you take daily. it is important to note that both these medicationsmust be used continuously for benefits to last. they are sometimes used in conjunction withone another. speak to your dermatologist about the bestcourse of treatment for your hair loss. manage stress.

some men may even stress so much about losingtheir hair that the stress they create leads to additional hair loss. high levels of stress can result in numerousmedical hair loss conditions including telogen effluvium (a condition that essentially pushesyour hair out of your head), trichotillomania (a man’s urge to pull his hair out of hisscalp), and alopecia areata (where your immune system attacks the hair follicles). it is best to manage this stress by reevaluatingthe parts of your life that are causing this tension while implementing stress-easing techniquessuch as practicing deep breathing or engaging in daily exercise.

limit your smoking and drinking. it’s common knowledge that smoking and excessivedrinking can do terrible things to our bodies, but you may not have realized that these habitscan affect your hair as well. there is a growing list of studies that showthat smoking and drinking can be a supplemental cause of hair loss. smoking can be an issue because it impactsthe blood flow to your hair follicles, while drinking alcohol in excess can cause dehydrationand nutritional deficiencies. regular exercise can help. you know that exercise is good for your body,but did you know that it can be great for

your hair as well? exercise is a proven stress reliever and promotescirculation and good health overall, which may encourage hair growth. talk to your doctor about a supplement. there are lots of supplements on the marketfor hair loss prevention and regrowth, though it’s important to talk to your doctor aboutwhich brands will be safe and effective for you. you are watching: how to stop and preventhair loss in men. by lifebuzzfeed.com. leave us a comment of what you think aboutthis video.

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