easy quick healthy food

easy quick healthy food

the first healthy dessertwe are going to make our fruit tacos these are so yummy and so easy to make so i'm taking one cup of flour andtossing a bowl and then i'm putting a teaspoon of baking soda next i'm putting in two tablespoons ofcocoa powder and 2 tablespoons of mashed

easy quick healthy food, up banana and a tablespoon of maplesyrup and then i'm just mixing that all together and this is what's going tomake our chocolate tortilla crepes that are going to be the outside shell of ourtaco just heading over to a pan that have heated to medium heat and i'mspooning and the batter onto it and

spreading it out with a spoon to make itnice and thin to its thin like a tortilla and after a couple minutes whenit starts to get cooked on top i flip it over then i just bought this mix fruitsalad i found that easier than getting a bunchof little fruits you can buy them separately and you just want to cut theminto little chunks so that they are easy to eat from our tacos and i think themore color the better so red green yellow blue whatever college and fruitsthat you like so you want to scoop your fruit salad mixture into the center ofyour tortilla and put a dollop of yogurt on the top and then fold your tortillaand there you go you have your fruit

taco yeah next up we are going to be making ourhealthy cookie dough bit i think is my favorite recipe it is so like cookiedough and it's healthy for you so i'm renting a 1 cup of a chick peasand i'm possible into my blender with two packets of stevia and then onequarter cup of peanut butter and you want to make sure that you use theall-natural peanut butter but has no sugar it's just literally one hundredpercent peanuts because we don't want to put any added sugar into it

a dash of vanilla extract and atablespoon of almond milk and then i'm just blending that up and then you cansee it comes out the exact consistency of cookie dough and even looks likecookie dough and actually even smells like cookie dough - i mean i'm puttingin a few chocolate chunks i'm using dark chocolate so it is a bit healthier thanmilk chocolate and i'm also using very free chips as well and then i was mixingit up to make sure they're all distributed in the cookie dough and youcan eat this with a spoon just like you would cookie dough or use strawberriesand bananas too diffident it is so good hey we are going to be making some mudcake this takes less than a minute to

make and is so yummy and fudgy so i'mstarting off with 2 tablespoons of flour 1 packet of stevia 1 tablespoon of cocoaone a tablespoon of egg white and putting that into my mug of choice then1 tablespoon of yogurt as well for moisture and 1 tablespoon of chocolatechunks and then i'm just mixing that together in the mug with a fork to kindof combine it all then microwave for 30 seconds and you are done it is warm budgie and chocolaty are amazing andit's also not super high in calories you guys for watching and don't forget tosubscribe to me and you

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