easy organic diets

easy organic diets

hi! my name is denise bennett and i'm hereon behalf of expert village. what we're trying to do today is buy organic locally grown ifwe can. if you live in small town, that might be kind of hard. you might have to grow ityourself. if you're in a big city, just maybe get on the internet and take a look. put ina search engine organic fruits and vegetables in your town. it'll probably come up. whatwe're doing today is we're favoring this particular

easy organic diets, small market because they have organic fruitsand vegetables, which is what i'm looking for. it's healthy for me; it's healthy forthe planet. also, locally grown is nice if you can. the reason for that is the fartherit travels, it's going to lose value. as soon as it whatever it is, the fruit or vegetable,comes off the tree or the vine, it's going

to start to die. if it has traveled acrossthe state, it's half dead by the time you're getting it. there goes taste and also thenutrients. also, if you can, try not to pick things that are so far away that they've beentrucked long distances. that adds to the fuel consumption on the planet and pollution. it'spretty easy to figure out. anyway, that's what we're doing here today. we're tryingto get something that's healthy for all of us, so we're choosing organic.

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