easy japanese diet plan

easy japanese diet plan

(guitar music) hi everybody! here you go! this is eggplant! korean eggplant: 'ga-ji'

easy japanese diet plan, we are going to make gaji-namul, steamed eggplant. gaji-namul is always my favorite side dish. first,

we are going to steam this and then this is my steamer pot. and i added two cups of water here then the steamer rack, i'll add this. and then cover this, and let it boil. around five minutes, i boil this two cups of water, it'll be really boiling quickly. this is three, i am going to use this.

about one pound. here. i'm going to quick wash, and cut this around two and a half inches long. like this. when the water starts to boil, we're going to steam this. it's now boiling, let's steam it. open this. meanwhile, let's prepare

our seasonings. three garlic [cloves]. did i mention sometimes, always when i make gaji-namul, i use a really generous amount of garlic because when i was young, i overheard my grandmother told my aunt "oh, when you make gaji-namul, you gotta use a lot of garlic."

so i heard this and then "okay, garlic is very important to make it delicious." and two green onions. we are going to transfer this here. this is my chopstick, one chopstick. five minutes after, i'm going to poke this guy,

and to see if it goes through easily. if this is too much cooked it's going to be mushy, and if this is not cooked, not tasty. so see, easily go through. like this, it's done. so i'm going to take it out. so, let it cool down here.

this is really really hot. be careful, you guys know that i can handle really hot kind of temperature stuff, but this is exception. this is really really hot. meanwhile, let's make this sauce. mince the garlic and green onion and then we need to add salty, salty stuff.

one tablespoon soy sauce. if you are vegetarian, one tablespoon plus one teaspoon so total, four teaspoons soy sauce you can use, that's the vegetarian version. but today, i'll use just fish sauce a little bit because the fish sauce make it really special.

fish sauce one teaspoon. the reason i used fish sauce is the fish sauce is really deep flavor makes it taste like real korean soup soy sauce. well feremented soup soy sauce. and i'm also using one teaspoon hot pepper flakes. and well mix. sesame oil,

about two teaspoons. then, let's tear this. so, in case if this is too hot, you can dip your finger like this. bite size pieces. so, hot. i'm going to dip my fingers like that. when you tear this, more tasty. okay, done.

so, i'm going to just mix this. smell really good. sesame oil and garlicky. and then, home-toasted sesame seeds. crush this sesame seeds between your fingers. really smells good. about one tablespoon amount.

mmmm, nice. beautiful. let me taste it! rice first. mmm soft, sweet, and juicy, and sesame oil and garlicky. all this is korean special some seasoning kind of flavor, is all this is concentrated.

and so tasty. i love this texture of eggplant when it's steamed. not greasy at all also. today, we made gaji-namul, korean steamed eggplant with seasoning sauce. enjoy my recipe. see you next time! bye!

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