easy homemade diets

easy homemade diets

- ok, so, i am expecting... the food today to tastekind of like cardboard. (swooshing sound) (squeaking hinge) (organ music) (upbeat organ music)

easy homemade diets, (timer ticking) (crowd cheering) - oh, this is an interesting look. - i did not know that that was an option,

in an easy bake oven. - it takes like the egg theyput on mcmuffins at mcdonald's. - just maybe some tomatoes on top, call it a frittata, it's pretty good. - i'd give this an a+. (upbeat music) (whistle) (crowd cheers) - it looks like a sad bagel bite.

- (delightful noise) that'sgood, i love lunchables, and this is like, better than lunchables. could use tiny bits ofsausage, but this is not bad. - doesn't taste really like food that you would think it taste like, it is almost more like theconsistency of a cookie. - for me, pizza is all about the dough, and this dough is just okay. - i mean, you could live offof just an easy bake oven,

i think, you would justneed like 17 of these. - alright, so now we'regetting into like what the easy bake oven is knowfor, which is baked sweets. it seems to be doing amuch worse job at that, then at making full meals. - oo, okay, i'm not a fan. - it has like a wet sock taste - (laughs) - it is really chocolaty.

- if you're one of those people, who likes the edge brownies, this is like all edge. - tastes like its brownie,so, high five easy bake oven. (swooshing noise) (squeaking hinge)

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