![easy diets with normal food easy diets with normal food](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/24/1b/71/241b71596f94228e21135ad79ce1fe00.jpg)
egg is a great source of protein and onlyaround 70 calories each! i has heaps of nutritional benefits and is high in sulfur which helpus produce more collagen and keratin, helping us maintain shiny hair, strong nails and glowingskin. today i'm going to be showing you 3 greathealthy snack options that are all under 150 calories each and take only a few minutesto prepare and are super easy to cook!! best
easy diets with normal food, of all, they all contain a healthy dose ofveggies! hearty corn soup one of my favourite things in the world iscorn soup! and when you add an egg in it, its super duper healthy and filling.
this is east to make and will only take youless then 5 minutes. you'll need a can of creamed corn and oneegg. mix an egg with a little bit of water. thewater will help the egg seperate so it isn't stuck together. now turn on the stove and add half portionsof creamed corn and water. you can change this ratio depending on how runny you likeyour soup. once it is simmering, add you beaten egg and stir with a fork for another minute.the egg cooks really quickly! there we have it a healthy and delicious cornsoup, thats perfect for the cold weather! now lets make some spinich egg rolls! yum!!
you'll need, an egg of course and some englishspinich or you can use mushrooms or other veggies if you like. now likely oil your pan. a trick to reducecalories is to use a paper towl and a non stick frypan and rub the towel to soak upextra oil and lightly coat your fry pan. i also use a spray for my oil to reduce theamount coming out, and you save money on oil too!. oil can cost you up to 125 caloriesfor a tablespoon so lets use a little as possible!! add a pinch of salt and lightly cook yourspinish till it's just wilted. put this aside in a bowl. crack an egg in your bowl and lightly beatit with your fork.
now using our special oil technique, lightlycoat the fry pan again and add your beaten egg. try and coat your frypan evenly to createa nice thin circle of egg, now add you spinich in the middle and then flip your egg aroundinto a roll. take it off the heat as it'll cook very quicklyand then use a knife to cut it up into little pieces. i love to serve it with some seaweedseasoning and a small amount of tomato sauce! mmmm spinich is so low in calories and goodfor you. the important part of this dish is to reduce the amount of oil we cook in itand should should be a healthy low calorie snack!! serve with some green tea :)!! mm!!! the final snack that i love to have is steamedegg. this a very healthy and super low in
calories too, and great with rice as wellfor a meal! it's really simple to make as well! i'm usingone of these steamed egg cups that i got from daiso but you can also make this recipe ina small bowl. you'll need an egg, some frozen veggies, bonitostock powder,soya sauce, and some seaweed seasoning which is optional. now add your frozen veggies into your cupand then crack your egg into it. add half a teaspoon of dashi stock and half a teaspoonof soyasauce. you can adjust this according to how salty you want it, but less salt ismuch healthier for you. now add water and fill it up almost to the top. use a fork orchopstick and mix it all up.
use a pot or wok to steam it for about 10-15minutes. and we're done, this is a perfect treat forthose midnight cravings or for breakfast in the morning. the texture is like pudding andit's super yummy!! this is seriously one of my favourite low calorie snacks. i hope you enjoyed my 3 simple healthy snackrecipes which should satisfy your midnight cravings! being on a diet doesn't mean youneed to starve yourself, we just need to be smarter about what we eat. surprisingly thesesnacks are less calories than 8 dorito's chips, and half the calories of a mars bar, but theseoptions are so much more filling! stay tuned next week for a great tip to maintainhealthy eating when you have little or no
time to cook! make life beautiful the wonderful world of wengie check out my channel for more diet tips! italk about portion sizes as well as asian diet tips. see you guys next time! bye --make life beautiful, wendy ayche http://wengie.com fashion.beauty.life
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