easy diets to get a flat stomach

easy diets to get a flat stomach

healthy lifestyle expert and author danette may is here to tell us the truth we also have the fitness trainerdanette may here hi danette may here with danettemay.com you wanna know what the top five foodare for flat abs? i'm gonna give it to you straight youcan read it in magazines you can hear it on tv

easy diets to get a flat stomach, but they're not shooting at to you straightand i'm about ready to do that for you the first one is green leafy vegetablesyes you need to eat your vegetables green leafy vegetables have a lot of fiber in them which is going to make you feel fullerand actually help slim down your

waistline number two - salmon, yes fresh salmon ideally but salmon is loaded with the rightfats and omegas for you to feel fuller longer a greatprotein source and it actually helps slim down your waistline number three my all-time favorite kefir,kefir is loaded with probiotics probiotics help with inflammation so ifyou're feeling bloated its gonna help really slim down that waistline. number four eggs, eggs are the quickest easiestprotein source you can get your hands on

and i actually have this almost every single day they're gonna fill youup and they're gonna be super simple to prepare and make number five berries, berries are loadedwith anti-oxidant and fiber and as you have heard fiberhelps slim down your waistline these are the top five foods for flat abs make sure you subscribe to my channelso you don't miss out on any of my videos and the truth to yourlasting weight loss also click "like" on this video and leaveyour comment below i want to hear from

you what five foods are you incorporating intoyour meal plan

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