easy diets south africa

easy diets south africa

fit forever living clean 9 a 9 day cleanse to make you look better & feel better i want to feel better about me again. getting fit that's what i need to do. it's about promoting healthy eating and clean living which in the end of the day is what it's all about and the supplementation is there to back it up and assist

easy diets south africa, today before we get to the packs we need to get you weighed and measured and measured and get the photos taken i know your all dreading it, but it's part of the process big enough. i want to see me transform my eating habits,

my way of life,my body my shape, inner confidence so much with this new supplement program i want to be able to change my lifestyle. i'm excited about this plan because it doesgive you that that advice on excercise, nutrition and meal ideas i've worked as a personal trainer for about 12 years now my experience is that people have to break the old habits and start to form new habits so we want to get them enjoying exercise and then they can start to build from there

wow i'm really really excited to start the clean 9 i kind of formed the foundation really for some new habits and new eating patterns i felt lighter i felt fresher and i didn't crave all those nasties yeah just felt a lot cleaner fresh andawake the key now is pretty easystraightforward during day 1 and 2 youy can take and supplements you know i love good food probably too much of it but with the clean 9 helps me re-educatemy body

4 weeks in now and it's going reallywell all the challengers really really had taken it on board really pushthemselves and been really enjoying the process to change there lifestyle the group gym sessions have been going reallywell everyones enjoying them everyones getting fitter and getting strongerand enjoying the group dynamic i think people working well with eachother having gone through the plant it's made me understand what'sgood and what's bad for my body i actually have more energy because i'meating clean foods i've changed my whole outlook and the way i've sort of approached foodnutrition

fitness just gonna just get youself into itfollow it and you get fit and healthy and so many people want that at the moment lost over 8% body fat which forme is a massive thing and its a shame its come to an end it's been a great experience i was reall yoverwhelmed when i seen the photos and i thought waw is that actually me i've lost seven kilos with my waist andactually i've actually lost 5 inches. massively proud of everything the guysachieved for me the fitness side of it has just gone through the roof it's justbeen a

a major achievement for all of them andsomething they're gonna keep going with and keep pushing forward it's gone brilliantly and we just had the weigh in's photos and the results speak for themselvesand photos are tremendous yes, a two-month period that's greatresults just proves that sticking to a structured program supplement program, a nutrition program and excise and a bit of hard work and you can get some amazing results so the change in our lifestyle not just been for us its been for the children aswell so

you know the way cook and the way that weeat i'm really really really pleased with what iv'e lost inch loss is better than weight loss but i feel great for it but i lost more than he did hye's gutted! he just didn't want to tell you that biti i lost 9 kilos overall in weight and four inchesoff my waist and i already know that my bmi is downmy body fats down and my visceral fat is down to. i'm down two dress sizes so it's fantastic for me.

its easy to pick up food whenever it'seasy to have an excuse not to exercise but i would recommend this plan becauseit keeps you on track you have these fantastic booklets which tell you everything recipe ideas so your not having to source that your self you don't need to think about it youjust follow the plan and everythings covered for you it's brilliant so everyone can look in the book and know what to do (clapping and cheering)

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